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IPL & Cosmetic Laser User Groups > SCITON Forum (Exclusively for Sciton's users) 


I am wondering if anyone knows of a company independent of Sciton that can service its lasers? I have a Dual 1064, 1319, 2940, BBL with ST. I love their technology but hate their customer service and I always feel like I am getting ripped off. Tomorrow I have a tech flying in to do a $4,500 repair. I have been thinking of buying more equipment through a broker, and noted Grumpy's comment about the $5,000 "inspection" fee, which I want to avoid. I am located in the Los Angeles area and would appreciate any information regarding alternative service providers.

10.19 | Unregistered Commentercxymd

Answer to the above post: Is anyone using Sciton's 1319 nm ThermaScan? Does it really work for wrinkles and acne/acne scars?

I have a 1319 Thermascan and recently added the Skintyte. In terms of results for wrinkles and scars, they both work but the Skintyte blows the 1319 out of the water. Virtually every patient that I have treated with ST has seen a difference immediately after the treatment and the results get better and more noticeable over the next 2 weeks. Using the !319, the change was much more gradual and required more treatments.

10.19 | Unregistered Commentercxymd

Anyone who has demo the ClearScan ALX by Sciton?Any feedback?

10.22 | Unregistered Commentercharry

Where can I get a BBL handpiece and what is the expected cost?

Thank you

11.5 | Unregistered CommenterBHARRIS

please sign me up for the sciton form

12.16 | Unregistered Commentersc

any one know the best way to treat active acne using the BBL. The manual says two passes of 420 nm 4-5 J,
3 passes of 560 nm 15mj , and 6 passes of 590 nm 15mj . Do you do all this on one after the other on the same sitting?
pls give in detail.

01.4 | Unregistered Commenterrad2011


Do you have only the BBL or plus ST and /or Er YAG?

01.4 | Unregistered Commentercharry


My name is Doug Carrow and I am the Director of Sales Development for Sciton. I try to limit my posts to maintain the integrity of the site but I wanted to comment on your last post.

I would like to ask what 'manual' you are referring to?

We certainly would not want you to perform all of those passes with the different filters at the same time. Additionally, I don't know of a Sciton protocol specific for acne which details usage of 3 filters.


Doug Carrow


I have the same recommendations as rad2011 in my BBL manual. This is why I have requested a BBL with a longer pulse duration as I would like to do some research using a combination of the 420 filter and the ST filter for acne treatment. I would like to use an "in motion" technique with the 420 filter instead of stacking the pulses as Scitons current manual recommends. You can call me at the office or send me an e-mail.

Lornell E. Hansen II, M.D.

01.4 | Unregistered CommenterLH

Thank you Charry, Doug and LH for your prompt replies. Charry I have the ST, BBL, Clearscan, and the Contour TRL. I found some info in your older posts where you suggested we start with ST and then go on to 420nm through . Most of my patients are type 4-5. What settings do you suggest. Are there any new protocols you are using?
Doug- while the manual does not state that we use these passes all at once, it also doesn't mention that we shouldn't. I am refering to the table where it indicates settings for blue light, yellow and red light.
LH- Are there any new protocols you are using? For the ST are there any adapters available to use it in motion?
Thank you all for your help.

01.5 | Unregistered Commenterrad2011

They do have an adaptor that goes over the 15x45 saphire tip. Basically it just rounds out the edges so the tip does not catch on the pts skin. Talk to your sales rep as they should be able to get you one. If not I would bet Doug can get one out to you.

I am using the in motion technique with the 420 when we activate ALA. I just wish it has a longer pulse width like the ST. I do want to start the study mentioned above as I feel the best results for inflammatory acne are going to come from a combination of the ST and the 420 rather than the protocol in the Sciton manual for acne.

Lornell E. Hansen II, M.D.

01.5 | Unregistered CommenterLH

Thank you Dr. Hansen,

Ill look into the in-motion adapter. Unfortunately most of my patients are type V, so I am a little warry of using ALA because of the risk of hyperpigmentation, should I be? If so any alternatives to improve the acne BBL efficacy?

For my part I hope Doug helps you out with longer pulse width 420 hand piece. I am sure it would increse patient compliance..

01.6 | Unregistered Commenterrad2011

LH ,rad2011

I am using a combination of ST + 420 for Acne.Most of my patients are type II-IV.First i am doing 2 passes of ST with 50-55 J/cm ,6 sec in order to splash the sebaceous glands and then i am doing 2-3 passes of 420nm.For type II-III i am doing before the ST and the 420 nm ,a light MLP (about 10microns) and then i photo-activate the skin with Metvix for 2 hours (because the ALA has not been released in Europe and in Greece).For type IV i haven't used MLP and Metvix,i am using just the ST+420nm.

01.6 | Unregistered Commentercharry

I have one patient with hypopigmentation after BBL hair removal. How do you think can it be permanent? What can I do except of waiting to help? What is the closest time she can get the sun exposure? Thanks.

01.14 | Unregistered CommenterDocRokky

Thanks Charry,
Sorry for the late reply went out of town. Was wondering if you ever use the 590 nm for acne pigmentation in combination with st and 420?

01.14 | Unregistered Commenterrad2011


It will not be permanent.After 3-4 months the skin color will become normal.I think that short times of sun exposure would help on this direction.


No i haven't used the 590nm for acne pigmentation.I think that for pigment lessions only the 515nm or at least the 560nm could help you.

01.16 | Unregistered Commentercharry

Thank you, Charry. I feel much better now:) She came and that hypopigmentation was just spot-like, so I think it is going to be ok soon.

I have a question about ProFractional. I've noticed that some of my patients have a long lasting spot pattern after ProFractional treatment. It looks like pores. And my last patient has it for 4 months after treatment. We did PF + 20 microns MLP and in few weeks MLP 10 microns again. But pattern still persist.

01.18 | Unregistered CommenterDocRokky


Did you use cog on the patient? Personally I think Sciton should decrease the spot size for the ProFractional. The ProFractional spot size is 420 microns ( if I remember correctly). I think it should be 250 microns or less. Remember that the spot size is 420 microns and you will have 5 to 10 microns of cog around each spot making it a minimum of 430 to 440 microns which can be visible to the naked eye. Now if I understand my Physics correctly the deeper the penetration the larger the ring of coagulation is. Then if you add coagulation to the ProFractional you can have a spot size above 500 microns. We would need to get specifics from Doug Carrow of Sciton as I know they have done path specimens.

Lornell E. Hansen II, M.D.
LazaDerm Skincare Centre

01.22 | Unregistered CommenterLH

I don't have the coag on my PF. This is not an XC model.
And the spots are not connected with deepness. I saw them using 400 microns and 750 microns as well.

01.23 | Unregistered CommenterDocRokky

I don't think that this phainomenon is connected with the spot size.I don't have the PF or the PFX,just the Contour TRL.I have a question on that.Do you use first the PF and then the MLP or in the opposite way?

01.23 | Unregistered Commentercharry

I use PF first and then MLP.

01.23 | Unregistered CommenterDocRokky

charry and DocRokky,

I do think it is from the spot size. The laser I use has a 120 micron spot size and I have NEVER seen the residual spots even with very agressive settings.

The original ProFractional has a 300 micron spot.

Lornell E. Hansen II, M.D.
LazaDerm Skincare Centre

01.23 | Unregistered CommenterLH

"ProFractional utilizes a 250 µm spot size and offers a range of treatment densities from 1.5% to 30% coverage. ProFractional-XC utilizes a 430 µm spot size and predefined treatment densities for greater speed."

That's from Sciton's site.I don't know if it is due to spot size.I don't think that the 250μm is a large spot. LH maybe you have right maybe not....

01.23 | Unregistered Commentercharry

Could it be because the handpiece was not held 90 degrees to the skin surface?

01.24 | Unregistered CommenterDocRokky


I would have to say that is a possibility. So then we have to ask, why does it seem to happen more with the erbium than the CO2 fractionated lasers?

Charry, you are right on the spot size for the ProFractionals. I jnow that some of the fractionated CO2's have a spot size around 300 microns and I have not heard this as a complaint with the CO2s. Maybe Doug can give us some intight.

Lornell E. Hansen II, M.D.

01.24 | Unregistered CommenterLH

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