Medical Spa Business Forum > Can I own a medical spa if I'm not a doctor?
It is definitely possible to own a medical spa without the owner being a physician. Many medical spas are owned by business oriented individuals who hire a physician as a medical director to be on site during business hours. From a financial perspective, hiring a full time physician on site is an expensive proposition. However, many state regulators now require a physician to be on site at all time. Most states will allow nurses or Physician Assistants to provide laser or injection treatments. Check your state regulation first before investing in this medspa business. This market is very competitive in terms of price and service. Buying the wrong laser machines will cause a big financial black hole in your business which will drain money quickly. Definitely read up on this site and learn from the posts. Hiring a dependable doctor and selecting a great laser equipment should be your first priority for the moment.

Thank you very much for your help!

Since you can't 'hire a doctor', you'll want to actually read through all the relevant posts and comments on this site around corporate structure, what's legal and what's not, and how you might want to go about setting up an actual business. If you don't have $500,000 to $700,000 to put at risk, don't bother. This is a medical business and that means that you'll always (Yes, always) be at the mercy of a physician. Read the info on medical spa franchises that have gone out of business or are have lost all of their physicians. Medical spas are with a big M, little or non-existent s. If you're thinking of building a day spa that has a visiting physician, PA or NP who comes in and shoots up Botox... join the very long list.

@ Maria, dont even think about it. There are so many classic cases of failing medspas. You can try, but you will soon realize that Jeff's comment is a dead on.
By the way, good luck on your venture.

Thank you people for you comments. I think I can find a physician whos going to be there 50% at the time,im sure a lot of doctors right after college would love to do that. I'm not trying to open liposuction center or something like that. All I want is laser hair removal machine,and cellulite machine with laser and maybe Botox. Right now i removing some hair on my body in one of new york medical spas.And woman who does it for me is just a esthetician with a laser license.....yes,they have a doctor there but he has his own clients. I know a lot of spas like that .... so how is that possible? everybody doing and i can't? were is there logic ...
p.s. sorry for my English i'm new to this country

Hi Maria D
For hair removal you can choose the IPL or Elight machine, both these machine can removal all colors of hair completely ,compared with IPL ,elight is more safe and comfortable.
the YAG laser hair removal equipment is excellent in dark color hairs
If you are interested in these machine ,please connect with me

Keep in mind that you can also operate as an independent contractor under the supervision of a physician. As leverage in your business, you should own your own laser hair removal system. You should also know beforehand who you plan to use for service, what their qualifications are, and what it will cost you to service the laser annually. Repairs can be unexpected expenses, and you should budget for repairs. There are many loopholes to the physician supervisor rules, and you just have to navigate your state regulations on laser hair removal. You can email me for more info at if you'd like.

Hi I am partnering with 2 physicians in opening a Med Spa in California. I am looking for a mentor with experience in opening a successful spa.

You’re treading murky water and depending the state, e.g. NY and California, a legal Medspa is a physician owned medical practice. You and your partner physician may be implicated in practicing medicine without a license and aiding and abetting in the unlawful practice of medicine. These crimes are felonies if convicted and result in heavy fines, license revocation and imprisonment.
A general business entity partnering with a Professional Corporation or Professional Limited Liabilty Company owned by a physician will violate corporate practice of medicine and any sharing of profits or commissions will violate profit sharing laws.
So, in my 15 years years of experience in the Medical Aesthetics, I would caution with your business endeavor and seek the advice of a seasoned lawyer who specializes in the Medspa industry and knows state and federal regulations. I would also question the judgment of and physician willing to loose his or her license in the process.
Dr. Robert Caiati
CEO and Founder of
Shore Medical
Aesthetics & Anti-Aging

Hello,I want to open a medical spa or laser clinic,but I'm not a doctor. Is it any way I can own this business? Maybe i can invite physician to my business ? or how all this works? please help! thanks.