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IPL & Cosmetic Laser User Groups > SCITON Forum (Exclusively for Sciton's users) 


While I am happy that you are having success with our equipment I am very disturbed about the lack of response you have been given by your local sales representative. I don't like to hear this. I want to personally apologize for your lack of response and give you my contact information so we can make this right. My cell phone is 913-707-0128. My email address is Please do not hesitate to call or email me. I will get you the help you need. And I won't try to sell you an upgrade:)

Director of Sales Development

Okay I have my first Fitz V patient who wants a laser peel. She has had microdermabrasion and glycolic peels without great results. Has anyone done MLP's on type V's and how deep can I go? She has some hyperpigmentation already in her marionette lines but overall has even color. She has mild acne scars and very oily skin. Any advice would be appreciated.

08.10 | Unregistered Commenterkkenney

Is there any sciton users that are looking to acquire another one? This was recently acquired from a practice that went banckrupt and we are remarketing it for $60,000 and is in good working condition. It was purchased in 2007 for $152,700. you can email me at

email address above should read

Doug from Sciton & all users,
Sorry to vent about our past service issues in a public forum. In case anyone has been following along, I complained about the lack of support and training that our office had received following the purchase of our Sciton Profile unit. As soon as my issues came to the attention of Doug at Sciton the situation was immediately addressed. I appreciate the eagerness displayed by everyone on your team to make us happy and get our practice the help we needed. Kathy, your clinical nurse was amazingly helpful. I'm looking forward to getting much more use out of our Sciton Laser and BBL now that I'm confident in it's abilities as well as my own.
Many thanks,

08.21 | Registered CommenterEric

Regarding Melasma,

What are your thoughts on treating combo epidermal/dermal melasma? BBL vs PF? Settings? BBL and PF on the same day?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

08.25 | Unregistered CommenterKT

Cherry Hill Laser Clinic
Noticed that last nights post about the closing of the clinic has been removed.
I am a patient who was informed by a message on my voice mail on Friday evening that they would be closed on Monday. Was a referral to a doctor that seems from her web site to have, to have speciality in plastic surgery procedures and one IPL.. No mention of a refund for the money ($800.00 in my case) paid in advance for a package of treatments.
Hope this will be resolved. Really do not want to write the Attorney General of New Jersey about this. Still hope that Dr. Epstein has more integrity than this.
In the mean time searching for a doctor within driving distance of New Jersey who teats Rosacea with BBL. If you know of one please E-mail
Very upset

08.31 | Unregistered Commenterarb

Alright! Let's talk. Charry, do you have the profractional yet? We have been blown away by the results. We are combining most of them with microlaserpeels. Are you doing microlaserpeels? It seems like you have really figured out the vascular component. Are you floating the handpiece in gel and adjusting your cooling? I see you are using 590 for vascular. We haven't done that. When would you use 560 as opposed to 590?

Looking forward to the dialogue. Thanks for setting up the forum.

10.9 | Unregistered Commenterdexter

Carbon Dye for Sciton BBL Hair removal:
We have a Sciton Profile in the office that is occasionally used for hair removal. Normally I stack both BBL and laser treatments for each visit for best results, but some patients simply do not respond well. This inspired me to do a little research for our patients with hard to treat facial hair & lighter colored hair. I've recently seen a few internet mentions about pretreating skin with photoreceptive carbon dyes to draw energy into the follicle rather than relying on the melanocytes in the hair to provide a target. Anyone have experience using dyes prior to treatment?
Can dyes make laser HR a reality for patients with blond or white hairs? Settings?

02.25 | Registered CommenterEric

? about pre-MLP anesthesia. While viscous lidocaine for 30-60 minutes seems to work fine, occasionally I need faster acting pain control. Usually this is because a certain area was missed by the viscous treatment, or the patient decides to expand the treatment plan while they're sitting around thinking about it. I've tried placing gauze 4x4s soaked in 2% lidocaine, which works pretty well, but am wondering what other users do.


03.10 | Registered CommenterBen T

I am located in British columbia, canada and also own a Sciton profile 1064, BBL + ST.
Referring to the posting on Lower eyelid and under eye dark circles (dark pigmentation) and the use of 515nm filter:
Do you use a special goggles or do you use the regular metallic goggles.
How risky is it to work so close to the eye.
Do you use a special technique to treat these areas with the filter?
Any setting suggestions for puffy under eyes?
Thank you in advance.

03.16 | Unregistered CommenterGppretty


I believe I have 2 or 3 free slots in my Profile. Would like to add 1064 for sure for LHR in darker skin types. Wondering whether to add 1319 thermascan for skin rejuvenation. From reading prior posts here. It seems like I could add 2 1064 bricks and significantly improve treatment speed for LHR and at the same time use 1064 for laser genesis as a skin rejuvenation rx as opposed to the thermascan. Would like an opinion from users before I talk to the company.

03.21 | Registered CommenterClement

A basic BBL question: When treating a fitz 3 pt with both brown sports and telangiectasias, is it better to start with 515 then add 560 if redness persists? If there is prominent red, but still some brown, should I use 560 but change the settings to get more brown along with red?


03.28 | Unregistered Commenterbht

I would start the way you suggested. 515 first then 560 or 590. It has worked well for me in the past. However, if you sale your treatments in packages of 4, this is one you may want to plan on 6 treatments. The science behind this is that the 515 filter cuts off every wavelenth below 515 and lets through everything else. You will therefore get some benefit of 560, 590 and beyond by using the 515 filter. However, you're targeting different chromophores when you treat solar lentigenes and telangiectasia. Hence your BBL setting should target solar damage for the first 3-4 treatments with 515 and target hemoglobin for the rest with 560 or 590.

03.29 | Unregistered CommenterClement

About MLP and topical anesthesia.

I would like to know how deep can I go for MLP, with topical anesthesia (23% lidocaine and 7% tetracaine for 1 hour)? Can I go as deep as 125 microns or even more (200-300) ? And if I had Valium 10mg with it? Or something else except general anesthesia?


03.30 | Unregistered CommenterCarole


First of all love the equipment. We have had a Profile Dual 1064, BBL for 3 years and it is outstanding.

Recently bought a second Profile Dual 1064, BBL, 2940. Great machine. Here is the kicker. Bought the unit from a broker. Machine was inspected by a tech and cleared. Unit came by truck. Sent ownership transfer paperwork to Sciton (Tony Rizzutti). All is well. Called to order a spot size reducer for BBL. Tony won't sell me one because he won't transfer ownership until we have a $5000.00 inspection by a "Sciton" tech. Argued to no avail. Spoke to "President" of Sciton Dan Negis same story. Bottom line, though not required by FDA or any government agency to purchase laser, Sciton WILL NOT sell you parts or accessories until you pay $5000.00 to transfer ownership and have an "inspection". Also if the "inspection" reveals any discrepencies you are responsible for parts and technician time on top of the $5000.00.

Secondly, just like Eric previously, Sales Rep vanished into thin air the second we bought the first laser (Matt Rahfeldt). New guy (John Suzlaski) doesn't even return our call unless we specifically say we want to purchase a system or upgrade. That is the reason we bought our second laser through a broker.

Bottom line. GREAT Lasers. Not a very good company for customer support. Considering we have over $250,000.00 worth of their product and considering a third purchase we really thought we would be treated better.

We will probably buy another Sciton from our broker but will never let Sciton representatives in our doors again. We have found an independent service tech who is Sciton trained and will go from there.

We also gave up long ago on getting support and get most of our training from an independant source.

Apparently we are not the only clinic with this experience as a recent purchaser in Upstate New York had the same issue.

So buyer beware from Sciton.

LOVE the Laser.


03.31 | Unregistered CommenterGrumpy

Would anyone give me the goodworking parameters for acne scars. I tried to use 20 microns of MLP + PF 400 microns 8%. It didn't work very well. Then I tried 20 microns ablation + 20mc abl and 20 coag second pass + PF 400 microns 5% on acne area and full face only PF 200 micron. The results was better, since the procedure is very uncomfortable in this case. I did resurfacing first, then PF and the pinpoint bleeding was huge.
By the way, what do you do with this bleeding? I ussially have the PF procedure for 1 hour and 2 hours takes me to stop bleeding, cause I can't let the patient out of my office with bloody face.
Please, share the parameters for acne scars and tell about immediate post PF care in your offices.
Thanks a lot.

07.28 | Unregistered CommenterDocRokky


I feal you need to be at about 750microns with the Profractional and 22% coverage. Then go over with the 20micron peel. When I have an issue with bleeding I will mix some epi with sterile water and then apply those to the face and it will stop the bleeding. Remember to make sure the face is dry before the peel and you shoul have nice results.

I only use vaseline post fractional resurfacing and then vinegar and sterile water washes for the first few days. I then will let them use cetaphil wash and we will have them Use EltaMD post laser moisturizer for a few more days.

Hope this helps.

Lornell E. Hansen II, M.D.
LazaDerm Skincare Centre

07.28 | Unregistered CommenterLH

Thank you LH.
Do you do PF first and MLP after PF in one prosedure? I think the skin wouldn't be dry in this case.

07.29 | Unregistered CommenterDocRokky

Do the PF and then immediately follow with the MLP. You want to dry the skin as much as possible. I will first use the epi in sterile water if necessary to stop bleeding and then I keep a dry 4x4 in my hand to dry the area I am working it. You do lose some of the efficacy for the MLP but that is OK. If you feel you did not get deep enough then hit the area again. If you are only doing 20 micron MLP then another 20 microns will not make much difference in the patients healing time.

07.29 | Unregistered CommenterLH

Thank you.
Do you do 22% coverage in two passes? Because I have the regular ProFractional and I can do only 10% or 20% in one pass.

Have someone tried PF on stria alba? What are the parameters and results?
Thank you again.

08.11 | Unregistered CommenterDocRokky

I am an owner of a Sciton, bbl and 1064, that I have had since 2005. During this time Ihave replaced the BBL handpiece onlce and I am looking at possibly needing to replace it again. It seems the sciton does not "read" some of the filters, specifically the 695 and the 640, though it is still able to read the lower filters. I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem, and if so, any possible etiolgies and/or solutions. I am not please with the prospect of purchasing a second handpiece in four years.
thank you for any advice,
M Parsons, MD

Dear Charry and all contributors,
I practice in Istanbul. My patients are mostly skin type II-IV, mediterannean
I decided to buy a Sciton profile including BBL+ST+contour +profroctional
Are you happy with contour or profractional for xanthelesma, syringoma, seborehic keratosis.
I also plan to add a diod laser Lumenis Sheerlight and Candela Vbeam to the machine park. Do you have any suggestions?
I also plan to buy Omnilux. Would it be a waist of money if I have BBL?
Thanks for your replies.
Charry can I please have your e-mail? I would love to visit your clinic if that is Ok for you also .
Kind regards

10.17 | Unregistered CommenterKus

Dear Kus

I am very happy using the Contour TRL for xanthelasma,syringoma,seborehic keratosis.Of course you have to use the handpiece spot instead of the scanner and to ablate as deep as you can.As for the two other machines Lumenis Sheerlight and Candela Vbeam my suggestion it depends of what you want to treat.If you want another choice for hair removal go with the Lumenis but if you want a choice for vascular treatments get the Vbeam.
The Omnilux is waist of money if you have the BBL (420nm filter).First do i light MLP then use a topical photosensitiser molecule (Medvix ,Levulan Kerastick) and the use the ST and BBL (420nm).
My email is
I will be glad to see you in Greece.

10.18 | Unregistered Commentercharry

Is anyone using Sciton's 1319 nm ThermaScan? Does it really work for wrinkles and acne/acne scars?

10.18 | Unregistered CommenterLC

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