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Physician to Physician Discussions > Pregant clients

Looking for advice on how clinics deal with pregnant clients having hair removal -axilla only!!

05.28 | Registered Commentersev

I will do it but I make them get clearance form the OB doc. I also then have them sign a consent form specific to pregnancy.

05.28 | Unregistered CommenterLH


What is your office policy for pregnant worker in your laser practice? I have a laser tech who refuses to work with laser after she becomes pregnant because her OB tells her laser has harmful iiradiation on the fetus.

05.28 | Unregistered CommenterCanMD

what? my esti was pregnant and I got a note from her doctor it was ok for her to perform treatments to put in her HR file., no problem.
The malpractice carrier won't let us treat pregnant patients- but I thought that was more because of legal risk (ie: falling of the bed and somehow leaving the company liable) that actual medical risk. Interestingly, we had an OBGYN that was having full body LHR that never let us know she was pregnant (even though it's on a questionaire she filled out every treatment) It wasn't until she was really showing that we realized it, and stopped treating her- and boy was she pissed-stating there was no risk to her or the baby whatsoever.

As I see it, the issue is that there has been no scientific testing on pregnant patients. Although I feel it would be perfectly safe to do a treatment on a pregnant women, I would not do it just because of liablity issues. If you have no proof that it's safe and something happens to the baby, you might be "screwed". Also, laser energy is NOT ionizing. Our esthetician has delieverd 2 healthy babies while working for us. Although she didn't perform the treatments, she was around the machines frequently.

05.29 | Unregistered CommenterInnovaMed

The most surprising thing is the MD who told my pregnant esthetician to stay out of laser is a local OB-Gyn who actually has laser in her practice for cosmetic purpose!!! I am wondering how can she even qualify to practise laser surgery if she doesn't even know what laser can and cannot do?

05.29 | Unregistered CommenterCanMD


The OB doc does not know what they are talking about. There has not one fetus harmed by the mother using a laser. If it was producing radiation I would not want to use it and I use one every day at work.

05.31 | Unregistered CommenterLH

I believe the risk is not harm to the fetus but harm to the mother by way of hyperpigmentation. Pregnant women are increased risk of hyperpigmentation such as melasma, and linea nigra, due to the hormal changes. Therefore, I would not advise any light based technology on pregnant women. Even if you tx them early in pregnancy and lets say do a facial procedure, then they develop melasma related to being pregnant that does not resolve after birth, they are going to blame you and your opening yourself to a lawsuit. Why take the risk and hassle? Or what if the baby does have some sort of abnormality, the pts will want to sue anyone they can, regardless of fault or not.

06.16 | Unregistered CommenterNPChappell

I believe the risk is not harm to the fetus but harm to the mother by way of hyperpigmentation. Pregnant women are increased risk of hyperpigmentation such as melasma, and linea nigra, due to the hormal changes. Therefore, I would not advise any light based technology on pregnant women. Even if you tx them early in pregnancy and lets say do a facial procedure, then they develop melasma related to being pregnant that does not resolve after birth, they are going to blame you and your opening yourself to a lawsuit. Why take the risk and hassle? Or what if the baby does have some sort of abnormality, the pts will want to sue anyone they can, regardless of fault or not.

10.12 | Unregistered CommenterNPChappell

I believe the risk is not harm to the fetus but harm to the mother by way of hyperpigmentation. Pregnant women are increased risk of hyperpigmentation such as melasma, and linea nigra, due to the hormal changes. Therefore, I would not advise any light based technology on pregnant women. Even if you tx them early in pregnancy and lets say do a facial procedure, then they develop melasma related to being pregnant that does not resolve after birth, they are going to blame you and your opening yourself to a lawsuit. Why take the risk and hassle? Or what if the baby does have some sort of abnormality, the pts will want to sue anyone they can, regardless of fault or not.

10.20 | Unregistered CommenterNPChappell

I believe the risk is not harm to the fetus but harm to the mother by way of hyperpigmentation. Pregnant women are increased risk of hyperpigmentation such as melasma, and linea nigra, due to the hormal changes. Therefore, I would not advise any light based technology on pregnant women. Even if you tx them early in pregnancy and lets say do a facial procedure, then they develop melasma related to being pregnant that does not resolve after birth, they are going to blame you and your opening yourself to a lawsuit. Why take the risk and hassle? Or what if the baby does have some sort of abnormality, the pts will want to sue anyone they can, regardless of fault or not.

12.22 | Unregistered CommenterNPChappell

I believe the risk is not harm to the fetus but harm to the mother by way of hyperpigmentation. Pregnant women are increased risk of hyperpigmentation such as melasma, and linea nigra, due to the hormal changes. Therefore, I would not advise any light based technology on pregnant women. Even if you tx them early in pregnancy and lets say do a facial procedure, then they develop melasma related to being pregnant that does not resolve after birth, they are going to blame you and your opening yourself to a lawsuit. Why take the risk and hassle? Or what if the baby does have some sort of abnormality, the pts will want to sue anyone they can, regardless of fault or not.

People are using this website as a tool to slander their competition. You know who you are. If you worked as hard at your own business then you would'nt have to spend so much time trying to hurt others.

04.4 | Unregistered CommenterDr Truth

People are using this website as a tool to slander their competition. You know who you are. If you worked as hard at your own business then you would'nt have to spend so much time trying to hurt others.

05.9 | Unregistered CommenterDr Truth

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