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Physician to Physician Discussions > Velasmooth

Anyone have any experience with Syneron's Velasmooth for treating cellulite and care to post your impression of this technology?

09.19 | Unregistered Commentersjacob7266

Just got the machine and the results are incredible! Some results were instant - the more physically fit the better result - as to be expected.

Interesting - the buzz at the plastic surgery shows has not been particularly positive....many patients with underwhelming results, according to what I've heard.

09.20 | Unregistered CommenterTF

try it out on a demo. youll need about 9-12 treatments !! with maybe some results. however what else is out there ??? mesotherapy --- which is banned.

09.20 | Unregistered Commentervelasuck

I have had our Vela for 2 summers now. The results are minimal at best. It is very difficult to get pts to come 2/wk for 45min to 1 hr and pay a lot of $ to see little results. I would avoid it completely. I did all of the training including the advanced and do not see the results that the company claims. Furthermore the rep has never once contacted me after I signed the lease! It may work better with meso but I would not recommend it on its own.

ALC had the Vela and my clinic was very successful with it, patients saw huge reaults and we made a great deal of money. The tricky part is how it's actually administared and consistency of treatment, it really has to get the area hot to work well. There were alot of problems with getting the machine mainteneced, Syneron was pretty clueless about what was wrong when things like the suction stoppeded working. It seemed like it was broken more then it was working-and it's somewhat tempermental when it was working.
We ended up using much more of the Spray than is recommended, it seemed like they more"slip" it has the better it works.
We also deeply discounted one area and then charged full price for another, so hips buttocks thighs were all done for the same price. The average package was about $2500 and we were doing about 6 treatements per day. It IS time consuming, after the first 5 treatments we'd scale them back to once a week with no adverse results.
Also the handpeice is way heavy, it's tough on the staff to do alot of treaments they get really tired.
All in all though it looks like (at least to a lay person like me)that Vela is just about the only FDA approved cellulite treatment out there that actually works.I'm recommending it to the plastic surgeon that I work with to set up his medspa but price is a huge sticking point.

Velasmooth has been replaced by Velashape. Velasmooth is unpredictable, time-consuming and an unrealistic procedure to put patients through. The scientist who invented Syneron's Matrix ( non- ablative fractional) has revamped Vela and made the Velashape. I am told of tremendous results but I am leary as I feel that I have already once been duped by Syneron. As far as support from this company I agree with "regrets Vela"; this company is plagued by misinformation and ineffective communication between its staff and clients. This is too bad as they do have some worthwhile technology otherwise.

09.20 | Unregistered Commentereyelaser

Probably the best way for limited pockets of fat is to use a combo of mesotherapy (Lipodissolve--or equiv) and the Vela (or endermology) to even the appearance. I've been getting e-mails from Ultrashape the $150K machine thats it appears is getting close to approval--anybody have info on it??

Of course diet and excercise w/ meso works the best:)

09.23 | Unregistered CommenterDermaRogue

My experience with the VelaSmooth has been identical to that of Regrets Vela. Can't we pressure the company to take these machines back and refund us our investments as they were based on false claims made by the Syneron Sales Reps. I have hardly ever used the machine and no matter how low I go on the price, people are just not coming in for this treatment.

Cheated by Vela,
I feel exactly the same way. I would like to know if it would be possible to force Syneron to give refunds, exchanges, etc. I cannot even get the company to return my calls. I have begged them to send a rep my way to discuss my options, even upgrading to the VelaShape. My thought is also that the company knew they were getting ready to launch the VelaShape and continued to sell the Velasmooth. Seems like this is unethical.
Any thoughts?

02.8 | Unregistered Commenterdc

I know if we got like minded people together and filed a lawsuit - they would listen!

Any suggestions on what to do with this white elephant that I got duped into buying - the Vela Smooth. Am paying huge monthly lease payments and absolutely no revenue. Any thoughts would be a help.

03.3 | Unregistered Commentertv

I just got another device to use with my Vela. It was considerably cheaper than the vela at $35k. It is called mesoderm. I use mesoderm and vela together and have been getting very good result and for the first time my vela (that I paid big $$$) is being used! The combo of the two has been putting up very good results for body and cellulite. You should look into coupling your vela with something that works. The vela with mesoderm seems to be fairly complementary, and it doesn't cost much to add.

03.12 | Unregistered CommenterDPY

Velasmooth is a total con.I am in a group with 6 MDS It bruises more than people think.We were told by the reps 6 to 10 treatments.Now its up to 16.Doent work with 50 treatments.Big scam

03.12 | Unregistered CommenterSRK

dpy, I would like to talk to you about the mesoderm device and the results you are getting. How can i get in touch with you?

06.6 | Unregistered Commentersk


07.6 | Unregistered CommenterSRK

Dear SRK,
I think you are not alone in your hostility with Syneron. I am sorry for your bad expereinces. Syneron has good knowledge and exceptional equipment They generally do have some of the best represenatives for their equipment...but each one is not as good as some others. Here is my point. Why in the world did you place your money all into one product? That costly big machine is just a tool that can be done ( very satisfactorly ) with other companys. Did you check out all the competitors before signing those contracts? Did you have nurses/aestheticians perform the procedure? I find doctors do better when hiring someone that specifically is designated for that skill.

I am about to purchase a velasmooth for $10,000. The seller is offering the smaller head for an additional $5000.
Please give any advice/suggestions :)

I would give them $5000 for everything. Look at all of the Velasmooths on the secondary market. You are going to have to underprice your charges because ti does not work. There are way to many disappointed pts out there.

09.8 | Unregistered CommenterLH

I will gladly sell my 2006 Velasmooth (with larger hand piece) for $7500. Let me know if interested. For $8500, I will throw in my ExcellaDerm B2000 (medical grade) microderm unit.

09.8 | Unregistered Commenterdc

New video done by Dr. Darm on Velashape and Mesoderm together.


09.12 | Unregistered CommenterJB

Has anyone had any success with forcing Syneron to upgrade their VelaSmooth to VelaShape?

09.18 | Unregistered Commenterdc

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01.27 | Unregistered CommenterSin

Dear SRK,
I think you are not alone in your hostility with Syneron. I am sorry for your bad expereinces. Syneron has good knowledge and exceptional equipment They generally do have some of the best represenatives for their equipment...but each one is not as good as some others. Here is my point. Why in the world did you place your money all into one product? That costly big machine is just a tool that can be done ( very satisfactorly ) with other companys. Did you check out all the competitors before signing those contracts? Did you have nurses/aestheticians perform the procedure? I find doctors do better when hiring someone that specifically is designated for that skill.

Dear SRK,
I think you are not alone in your hostility with Syneron. I am sorry for your bad expereinces. Syneron has good knowledge and exceptional equipment They generally do have some of the best represenatives for their equipment...but each one is not as good as some others. Here is my point. Why in the world did you place your money all into one product? That costly big machine is just a tool that can be done ( very satisfactorly ) with other companys. Did you check out all the competitors before signing those contracts? Did you have nurses/aestheticians perform the procedure? I find doctors do better when hiring someone that specifically is designated for that skill.

Dear SRK,
I think you are not alone in your hostility with Syneron. I am sorry for your bad expereinces. Syneron has good knowledge and exceptional equipment They generally do have some of the best represenatives for their equipment...but each one is not as good as some others. Here is my point. Why in the world did you place your money all into one product? That costly big machine is just a tool that can be done ( very satisfactorly ) with other companys. Did you check out all the competitors before signing those contracts? Did you have nurses/aestheticians perform the procedure? I find doctors do better when hiring someone that specifically is designated for that skill.

People use this site to talk badly about others.

04.1 | Unregistered CommenterDr Truth

Dear SRK,
I think you are not alone in your hostility with Syneron. I am sorry for your bad expereinces. Syneron has good knowledge and exceptional equipment They generally do have some of the best represenatives for their equipment...but each one is not as good as some others. Here is my point. Why in the world did you place your money all into one product? That costly big machine is just a tool that can be done ( very satisfactorly ) with other companys. Did you check out all the competitors before signing those contracts? Did you have nurses/aestheticians perform the procedure? I find doctors do better when hiring someone that specifically is designated for that skill.

Dear SRK,
I think you are not alone in your hostility with Syneron. I am sorry for your bad expereinces. Syneron has good knowledge and exceptional equipment They generally do have some of the best represenatives for their equipment...but each one is not as good as some others. Here is my point. Why in the world did you place your money all into one product? That costly big machine is just a tool that can be done ( very satisfactorly ) with other companys. Did you check out all the competitors before signing those contracts? Did you have nurses/aestheticians perform the procedure? I find doctors do better when hiring someone that specifically is designated for that skill.

Dear SRK,
I think you are not alone in your hostility with Syneron. I am sorry for your bad expereinces. Syneron has good knowledge and exceptional equipment They generally do have some of the best represenatives for their equipment...but each one is not as good as some others. Here is my point. Why in the world did you place your money all into one product? That costly big machine is just a tool that can be done ( very satisfactorly ) with other companys. Did you check out all the competitors before signing those contracts? Did you have nurses/aestheticians perform the procedure? I find doctors do better when hiring someone that specifically is designated for that skill.

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