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Physician to Physician Discussions > How effective is Zeltiq?

Would those that already have Zeltiq please comment on the results they have been getting? Are patients happy with having to wait several months to see results?

07.20 | Unregistered CommenterLC

I just bought the unit and have my training today. I will let you know in a few months. I do not think anyone else on here has a Zeltiq at this time.

07.20 | Unregistered CommenterLH

I look forward to hearing your results. How much did you paid if you don't mind telling? When you purchase new technology and is uncertain of the results it would deliver, do you promote it at a discounted rate? Thanks!

07.20 | Unregistered CommenterLC

Glad LH is trying out the Zeltiq cryolipolysis cool sculpting machine. There are a lot of new technology on the market at this moment. The zeltiq and Zerona are two of the new technologies I would like to try. Look forward to LH's unbiases feedback on his experience with Zeltiq.

07.24 | Unregistered CommenterKW

We did our first 5 cases this week using the Zeltiq. It is a very simple system to use and almost to the point of being idiot proof. Our patients were happy with it and I had no complaints of pain from them. They do tell me it is a strange sensation and at its worst a cold pinching feeling. No one rated the discomfort higher than a 2/10 for pain and that was only during the initial phase when the skin was cooling and the skin was going numb.

I have talked to one of the patients and she was 3 days post treatment. She stated that the area felt like "pins and needles". It wsa not keeping her from any of her normal activities but was a little irritation to her during the day, She has been able to sleep fine and has not used any pain medications for it.

The jury is still out to see how it actually performs. It will take at least 1 month to start seeing results and up to 4 months to have the final outcome. So far the only thing I can say is that my patients are happy with it so far and are excited to see it work but we must be patient and give the process time.

07.25 | Unregistered CommenterLH

The Zeltiq, if it works , it works only for big areas, it has a suction, it only can work on the belly and the love handles, the systems needs a big enough area for it's suction to be able to grab on it. It just cannot work on small areas. Just like the Ultrashape, it is not good for small areas like the upper arms. I am still watching out for liposonix and other laser lipo system. I still believe for small areas, laser lipo is the answer, although it is minimally invasive. Watch out for the other system like Accusculpt 1444, or plasma lipo 980 or 924 endorsed by Robert Weiss. Unless you insist on totally non-invasive, then you are left with the zeltiq, liposonix or the ultrashape, though I am not sure any one of them are FDA approved

07.26 | Unregistered Commentermk


Actually the Zeltiq is better fro small areas of fat but for right now they only have handpieces that will work on the abdomen, flanks and bra fat. I know others have used it on other areas such as the lateral thighs etc. It is not a good choice for a larger abdomen as you may as well do it with lipo. It works best for the women or man that maintain a good body weight but have a small area of adiposity they would like treated. I was amazed how well it was able to mobilize ans suck the fat up into the treatment head.

I know the company is working on other treatment heads for areas like the thighs, arms and chin/neck. Also, if the Ultrashape can not work on an area it is very likely that the Liposonix will not be able to work on that area either. I have talked to some of the US physicians involved in the studies and they are not sure if the HIFU systems will ever get FDA approval. They also told me they are more painful than advertised and results are not as good as they have marketed.

The Zeltiq is the only unit of the three you mentioned that is FDA approved. It is only approved for cooling of the skin for anesthesia during dermatologic procedures. Ultrashape and Liposonix are not FDA approved for anything.

07.26 | Unregistered CommenterLH


Actually the Zeltiq is better fro small areas of fat but for right now they only have handpieces that will work on the abdomen, flanks and bra fat. I know others have used it on other areas such as the lateral thighs etc. It is not a good choice for a larger abdomen as you may as well do it with lipo. It works best for the women or man that maintain a good body weight but have a small area of adiposity they would like treated. I was amazed how well it was able to mobilize ans suck the fat up into the treatment head.

I know the company is working on other treatment heads for areas like the thighs, arms and chin/neck. Also, if the Ultrashape can not work on an area it is very likely that the Liposonix will not be able to work on that area either. I have talked to some of the US physicians involved in the studies and they are not sure if the HIFU systems will ever get FDA approval. They also told me they are more painful than advertised and results are not as good as they have marketed.

The Zeltiq is the only unit of the three you mentioned that is FDA approved. It is only approved for cooling of the skin for anesthesia during dermatologic procedures. Ultrashape and Liposonix are not FDA approved for anything.

10.21 | Unregistered CommenterLH


Actually the Zeltiq is better fro small areas of fat but for right now they only have handpieces that will work on the abdomen, flanks and bra fat. I know others have used it on other areas such as the lateral thighs etc. It is not a good choice for a larger abdomen as you may as well do it with lipo. It works best for the women or man that maintain a good body weight but have a small area of adiposity they would like treated. I was amazed how well it was able to mobilize ans suck the fat up into the treatment head.

I know the company is working on other treatment heads for areas like the thighs, arms and chin/neck. Also, if the Ultrashape can not work on an area it is very likely that the Liposonix will not be able to work on that area either. I have talked to some of the US physicians involved in the studies and they are not sure if the HIFU systems will ever get FDA approval. They also told me they are more painful than advertised and results are not as good as they have marketed.

The Zeltiq is the only unit of the three you mentioned that is FDA approved. It is only approved for cooling of the skin for anesthesia during dermatologic procedures. Ultrashape and Liposonix are not FDA approved for anything.

10.28 | Unregistered CommenterLH


Actually the Zeltiq is better fro small areas of fat but for right now they only have handpieces that will work on the abdomen, flanks and bra fat. I know others have used it on other areas such as the lateral thighs etc. It is not a good choice for a larger abdomen as you may as well do it with lipo. It works best for the women or man that maintain a good body weight but have a small area of adiposity they would like treated. I was amazed how well it was able to mobilize ans suck the fat up into the treatment head.

I know the company is working on other treatment heads for areas like the thighs, arms and chin/neck. Also, if the Ultrashape can not work on an area it is very likely that the Liposonix will not be able to work on that area either. I have talked to some of the US physicians involved in the studies and they are not sure if the HIFU systems will ever get FDA approval. They also told me they are more painful than advertised and results are not as good as they have marketed.

The Zeltiq is the only unit of the three you mentioned that is FDA approved. It is only approved for cooling of the skin for anesthesia during dermatologic procedures. Ultrashape and Liposonix are not FDA approved for anything.

11.1 | Unregistered CommenterLH

Have not seen a Zeltiq procedure up close, but am very interested to see how well it worlks for the average patient. It would be interesting if someone with a Zimmer Cryo chiller and a Zeltiq to do a side by side comparison. Since the mechanism in question uses freezing temperature to target fat cells. Topical ice pack or Zimmer cryo chiller should work to some extent as well. The vacuum handpiece from Zeltiq should be much more effective at tartgeting specific areas as opposed to topical cooling. Hope Zeltiq works as well as its claims.

Doesn't seem to work as well as RF technology according to facilities that have both but it does work some and only requires 1 or 2 treatments compared to 8 or more for most RF. Exilis and LipoEx seem to work the best although VelaShape is successful with smoothing out cellulite or other irregularities. LipoEx combined with Velashape gives some of the best results IMHO. Nothing works on people who are sedentary and unwilling to make dietary changes. Everything works for people who are motivated and exercise on a regular basis and have a low GI diet. Destroying fat either from freezing or heat is not effective if the person keeps eating too much!!!


We're also considering getting a Zeltiq. I was hoping you could give an update on how the Zeltiq is working in your practice? Is it working as well as advertised (20-25% fat reduction in area treated?) Is it working consistently? How selective are you needing to be with the patient selection to get good, consistent results?

Thank you,


02.28 | Registered CommenterMD8

Zeltiq definitely works.

We have been using it since the end of December and since staff and myself were the first to be treated (of course!) we are the first to see results.
We are treating abdomens, flanks, love handles, bra fat, inner and outer thighs reliably. We have done a couple of arms and inner lower thighs at the knees.

Demand has been tremendous. For us, the quickest escalation since Botox, and maybe even more than that.

Are using a mix of the large and medium hand pieces. Everyone gets some numbness lasting about 3-4 weeks, occasionally longer. We have had 3 patients, with me being one of them, that have experienced one site (out of multiple done to that patient) who have experienced onset of more severe neuropathic discomfort with itching, tingling, "tearing" sensation lasting about a week with onset one week after treatment. All 3 after the large hand piece on the abdomen. All 3 managed successfully with a week of Neurontin.

Although none of us are the full 4 months out yet, our results are already consistent with the published reports.

02.28 | Unregistered CommenterEC

Just curious about the Zeltiq...Can it be used under the chin? And on average how are you doing your pricing? By surface area or ? Also what effects are you seeing on cellulite? Especially more severe appearing cellulite on thighs and buttocks.

03.2 | Registered Commenterrkn

I didn't buy one. None of my patients will wait 8 months to see results. I have a Zerona.

04.15 | Unregistered Commenterlsk

hi beauty doc
We are 3 partners that bought a zeltic 8 months ago. Results were fantastic. Had a single client do 8 treatments!Proof that she was happy with results. We however have issues between ourselves and since we have decided to sell the machine .The machine is in excellent condition and has an the optional ups with it.We are willing to supply it at 20% less than the going price since it has worked for us. If you are interested , please contact me . The best thing about this machine is that it is not therapist dependant at all.YS

06.25 | Unregistered Commenterfat freeze

Sad to say that this treatment didn't work for me. I spent a thousand dollars on this treatment for nothing. I didn't see any change at all! Returning back to my diet and exercise routine!

07.4 | Unregistered Commenterada0306

We have been doing Coolsculpting by Zeltiq for over a year now. It has worked great, but the key is in the expectations you set for the patient and in making sure that they are truly a good candidate. From what I have seen, most people need 2 treatments to achieve their desired result. Our patients are happy, we sold enough packages in the first 3 months to equal the cost of the machine so I feel it definitely was worth it. After the initial hype, we may not sell as much as other practices that are not so selective with their patients, but we still do well with it. I would definitely recommend it.

One thing I think people would be interested to know about before purchasing....
This could be viewed as positive or negative, depending on how much your practice discounts...

In our area they really monitor what you are charging for the procedure and won't let you charge below a specific amount. Since the treatments are costly to perform, especially once you pay the esthetician or whoever does it, this can be a great thing. You won't see Coolsculpting on a Daily Deal site, at least it hasn't been on one in my area for the past year.

07.27 | Registered CommenterJJ

Zeltiq works. However it takes about 2-3 months to see results. We have already used three different devices- Zerona (minimal results), Exilis (modest but measurable results) and now CoolSculpting (by far the most impressive). it doesn't provide any skin tightening, however.

I did the treatment on my love handles and can tell you from personal experience that it works. The treatment was moderately uncomfortable during the treatment. Afterwards I had some light superficial bruising and I had some numbness in the area which was annoying. I started to see results at about 6 weeks and it took probably 3 months to see the final result.

10.1 | Unregistered CommenterSean M

We just finished measuring a patient after a week of Zeltiq treatment. No change at all.

At 1 week, even a pregnant woman measures the same as before age conceived. Similarly, measuring 1 week after treatment would not be expected to show results.

Measure again at 3 months. I have treated over 150 patients, and it works well.

10.9 | Unregistered CommenterFPS Mo

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