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Cosmetic IPL Laser Reviews & Comparisons > Opinions on the efficacy of Light Heat Energy 

I searched the site for information before I posted, but couldn't find any. I'm interested in knowing if anyone would recommend LHE treatment (the one manufacturer I know of is called Radiancy but I'm sure there must be others) not for hair removal, but for "photorejuvenation"--brown spots, acne/skin smoothing, spider veins. The main emphasis is on its effectiveness in reducing the appearance of small clusters of spider veins and facial capillaries.

I'm a prospective patient with only a minimal medical knowledge, so I hope I'm not being inconvenient to the community. Thank you for your help.

04.16 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

My only experience with Radiancy is with an early SpaTouch model. It was completely ineffective. Hopefully their new stuff is better.

04.17 | Unregistered CommenterTF

Thanks for the answer, TF. The two machines that I've heard of being used near me are called Mistral and Skinstation (both Radiancy), but I believe there are machines by other manufacturers being used as well. I'm really hoping to get some cold, hard facts on the technology itself.

I'm glad to get an honest opinion from you, TF, because everywhere I look LHE is being touted as an incredible treatment. I've seen that people here tend to shoot straight and will give educated, experienced opinions. It would be great if the new LHE machines do work better, but I'd like to be more sure before I shell out a good amount of money for treatment. I appreciate everyone that is willing to give me the benefit of their expertise.

04.17 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

I'm sorry to seem like an insistent pain, but I do hope I can get some information about this type of machine. It's somewhat time-sensitive and this community appears to be an authority on the subject I'm interested in. This is the first time I've posted; maybe this is not the correct part of the site? Once again, any information anyone here can offer me will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

04.20 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

Katie: It is always a good idea to try to do as much due diligence as you can including getting a "demo" from representatives of several other competitive IPL systems before making an important decision like this. You can get a great deal of information by using the search engine on this weblog. Simply type in "IPL" and also the names of the other devices you might be aware of and you will see extensive discussions about the merits and deficiencies of many of the devices on the market. There is also a great deal of information posted about the important features the device should have such as integrated contact cooling, etc. Everyone you talk to will have their opinion, but the general consensus I have seen would probably not rank the Radiancy products in the "top ten" list -- particularly with regard to efficacy.

04.20 | Unregistered Commentermedspa guy

Thanks, medspa guy, I didn't know before that you could even get "demos". It does make sense though, as part of a consultation. Believe me, I want to use the utmost diligence before I undergo any medical procedure, and that includes coming here and talking to you professionals. I will search for info about other IPL's on here (as I searched for LHE already and found nothing; I don't even know if I'm correct in calling LHE an IPL). The main reason I asked about LHE is because of the prevalence of physicians in my area offering and heavily marketing that procedure. But, so far, it sounds like the objective consensus here believes it to be overrated. If anyone has anything else to add, or has a dissenting opinion, I'll be appreciative to hear it. In the meantime, I will do my research on other methods that are offered near me and, I hope, set up some consultations. Thanks again.

04.22 | Unregistered CommenterKatie


My advice is to look at all the systems in the market. Ask yourself why one machine costs so much more than the others? Listen to all the sales pitches; ask the salesmen from different companies to critique the competitors' systems. Ask for references and actually check them out.

Also make sure you have the clientele to support your machine. A lot of people think if they own it, people will come. This is just not true. Lasers and IPLs are very huge investment and will create tremendous financial strain on your spa if it is not constantly running. Do not look at the ROI sheets from the company. They are invariably optimistic.

05.1 | Unregistered CommenterCanMD

I understand you are a patient not a doc looking to buy a machine! IPL works great for your needs-brown spots and broken capillaries. I do not think the Skinstation machine you refer to is very powerful. Try to find a doctor who uses a Luminis, Palomar or Sciton machine-you will probably get better results. LHE is the same as an IPL.
Good luck!

05.1 | Unregistered CommenterLA MD

Thanks for all your help. You're right LA MD, I'm a patient. That's why I'm thankful to have been given information here in manner of doctors speaking to patients. I guess what I've come to find from the answers here and my own additional research is that LHE is not a very powerful, cost-effective method of treatment.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is what I surmise: that the machine will, eventually, produce results as would any other type, but it would take so many more treatments to achieve the same results as a more powerful machine. Therefore, the office may charge me less for the procedure, but I will end up paying more in the long run for the desired results.

If I'm right about this (please let me know if I'm off-base) then I'm quite glad I did not get sucked in by the hype and rush into the procedure.

05.2 | Unregistered CommenterKatie

Wuld you mind explaining ur target proble for laser tx's.? I came into this post off guard, but I have much info on lasr tx's , laser type's& comparisons. im a reg # 6 . @23 yrs. The tech is #1 o tx outcome. It's a fact. If she's inept & u have no clue, I guess you have @%50 shot. But the otucome could be the devil.


11.17 | Unregistered Commenterrealdeal

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