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Cosmetic IPL Laser Reviews & Comparisons > Candela Gentle YAG Vs. Cutera Vantage

LH and Stuart:

Stuart...thankyou for the link.

LH...what would you recommend for "pore size" and texture if not Laser Genesis? (I've heard Laser Genesis is better than IPL.)

I was thinking Candela's Smoothbeam for pores and V-beam for blood vessels, but that's a lot of money they charge a lot for using both lasers...once again, main concern is the pores.

06.24 | Unregistered CommenterLaina


I went with the Cutera. I actually didnt read this forum again for the last few months, as I didnt know there were new posts on the same, but saw this forum pop up in a search luckily. Am very happy with the Cutera and the results so far, definitely prefer the ND Yag over the Diode any day for darker skin type patients ( Type IV and V ). The patients are much comfortable during the treatments and referal practise has definitely picked up. One reason I went for the Cutera over the Candela is the startup time. The cutera takes within a minute while the candela takes 20 !

One thing I realise now and would say is that I think the main problem with the cutera is definitely the aftersales pricing for the spares. Its ridiculous.Im not so sure of other companies, but with cutera you just cant get support from anyone else and once you have their system they will bill you as per their wish for the spare parts. Its unfortunate as otherwise the ND Yag im very happy with.I managed to damage the fiber of the Yag and I was charged a bit, my mistake but well.....

Im dreading when the warranty period gets over. I also went in also for the Pearl and the Titan, but for my patient population, mainly Indians, not that happy with those 2 for the price patients pay for the procedures. Titan would have been very good but for the consumables and upfront cost, not sure its worth the effort for patients. Very happy with LHR and Genesis. Genesis with the right protocol and treatment method gives good results. Pearl havent had any cases of PIH, though results haven't been outstanding.

Thanks to everyone for the comments and suggestions.

08.8 | Unregistered Commenteravk209

Dr Don,

can i have ph number of your that i can personally verify your comments about Robert.

03.11 | Unregistered Commenterjc

PMDoc, how similar is the Carbon peel as compared to a partially ablative laser like a Fraxel.


05.18 | Unregistered CommenterCrazyMD

PMDoc, how similar is the Carbon peel as compared to a partially ablative laser like a Fraxel.


07.26 | Unregistered CommenterCrazyMD

I have the Lightsheer Diode laser in my office. I have been using Lightsheer for over 9 years and I absolutely love my machine and the results that I get. However, I just started working for a physician over 1 year ago. He has the Candela gentlelase and the gentleyag. I really like these lasers also. I think they are faster with the larger spot sizes. The physician has disabled the cryogen and is using a zimmer chiller. I was a little nervous about that at first, but I think it does a good job at cooling and I have never had any problems with using the zimmer instead of the cryogen. I do feel that the Lightsheer is more effective for Fitzpatrick types 1-111 from what I have experienced. This physician also has an Adept laser that is both alexandrite and yag combined in one machine. I actually think the Adept is the most comfortable laser out of all of the lasers that I have used. The Adept spot size is 12mm . This normally uses cryogen but of course the zimmer chiller is substituted for the cryogen. I am not sure yet how effective the results are. This physician uses Candela or IPL for brown spots. Candela and Lightsheers are safe for traveling.

I have Cutera-Xeo. Was very happy till it broke down. Error codes are 249, 367. Do you know any body who can help?
Or, I can even do traid. It is used, 2004!

06.21 | Unregistered Commenterolenas

Cutera is serviced by very few companies.

Thank you, Mickey! Can you give me more info on this companies?

06.22 | Unregistered Commenterolenas

I also have Candela Gentelase. Very satisfied with hair removal procedures as well as using 755-nm Alexandrite laser for facial rhytides. My clients can see better results from this procedure then from Genesis!

06.22 | Unregistered Commenterolenas

Error code 249: Laser Lamp failed to start
Mickey can help you out.

flash lamp has been changed, we are guessing its a power supply went down as well, we know, cost are significant, but also, we don't want to throw away this machine! Hope, to hear from Mickey!

06.22 | Unregistered Commenterolenas

The companies I am speaking of cannot be endorsed by me directly on a public posting. I can tell you that most technicians, when replacing the flashlamp, neglect a few issues with the laser head. Most techs also do not have the proper service software for calibration after flashlamp replacement. I am a registered user, but I don't get messages when someone responds to my posts.

Thank you, now I understand, why he could not fix it. Please, feel free to call me (503) 775 0900, Olena.

06.23 | Unregistered Commenterolenas

Hello everyone, can someone assist me in finding someone in the Houston area that can service/repair my Xeo Cool Glide Laser (Cutera). The Error code coming up is 249/367.
I am really having a hard time with this. Any help or advice will be appreciated.

12.21 | Unregistered CommenterLaserGirl

Hello Lasergirl,

If you call the poster above your own post, from Olena, she will tell you who to call.

I am a retired electrologist. I retired in 1985 when lasers were just being introduced and know very little about lasers. I have a STRONG MEDICAL BACKGROUND and understand what is supposed to happen but always questioned if it did. What are "replacables". What is the cryogen gas used? Can it "freeze" the skin? I read the label of one of them. it is a PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT that can only be sold to those who are licensed to use it, or dispense it according to FDA..

Any license issued by any agency (FEDERAL, STATE, COUNTY, OR LOCAL) also issues literature that spells out exactly what you can do as a holder of the license. It should be read by anyone intending to go into any business. Unfortunately, many holders of a licens SSTTRREETTCCHH the meaning of the license for their own convenience and end up BREAKING THE LAW. Laser operators are the wort. They started with hair and they now do spider veins, acne, botox injections in some offices. AS for a Medical Director... the one with the name on the door (or stationary, ads, etc) who has the highest degree of training is alwys liable. Also , lawyers like that person as they usually have the "deepest pockets".

12.22 | Unregistered Commenterlefty2g


You sound very disgruntled, and your posts reflect a life that stinks. I don't know if it is your intent to troll, or if you genuinely think you are helping anybody, but nearly every customer I get off MedicalSpaMD ends up asking me about you and your majority nonsensical posts. Examples:

"I have a STRONG MEDICAL BACKGROUND"- If you have a strong medical background, why do you mention being a retired electrologist??? If you have a strong medical background, and the intent of the context of your statement is to convey that, why mention experience in something that would be considered a weak medical background??? No offense to electrologists out there, but if you know your field you know you don't have a "strong medical background".

"What is the cryogen gas used? Can it "freeze" the skin? I read the label of one of them. it is a PRESCRIPTION PRODUCT that can only be sold to those who are licensed to use it, or dispense it according to FDA." - 1,1,1,2 Tetrafluoroethane is NOT a prescription product. It can be bought anywhere. If it wasn't capable of freezing the skin, it wouldn't be called "cryogen". Enough said.

I don't understand the intent of the rest of your post, but I've read your posts concerning licensing and the FDA. I have not previously responded because, frankly, I don't think too many people on here take you seriously. The FDA does not issue licenses, nor does the FDA dictate how a state will regulate the use of aesthetic lasers. The FDA has it's OWN requirements, but those requirements have nothing to do with licensure. Licensure is a STATE requirement in ANY state where a license exists.

FURTHERMORE it is deceptive, misleading, and presumptuous of you to portray yourself as an expert while propagating myths about the industry you portray yourself as an expert in. Please stop trolling.

And just an FYI- Lasers were introduced into medicine a year after the first working laser was built, in 1960, by Dr. Leon Goldman. By 1980, he was one of the co-founders of the American Society for Lasers in Medicine and Surgery (ASLMS). In 1985 lasers were not "just being introduced"...

Thank you Mickey for your clear, concise and factual information in your posts. It is always "refreshing" to learn something that is not just someones opinion based upon flawed assumptions.

All users of the cutera xeo must understand that 90% of the parts in there platform has been built with industry available parts,what i am saying is that you do not have to go through cutera for parts,i just relaced a flash lamp and flow tube with parts from outside sources(OEM),replace with OEM parts and the machine is still under fda certifacation

While there's no such thing as FDA certification, it's true that most Cutera Xeo parts are non-proprietary. With that said, the units need to be calibrated using service software compatible with the operating software of the system. There are 26 versions of Cutera software, and about 16 are for the Xeo (V1.0-4.1NuiTool). Furthermore, if a display board, control board, or interconnect board goes out, you probably won't be able to get one with the same software version unless you know the right people.

Biometrics: I hope you cleaned the ceramic bore and calibrated the system. Otherwise, it will be down again in 3-6 months.

Has anyone experienced going thru lenses on a monthly bases with Cuter Coolglide unit. We are currently experiencing a cracked lense EVERY MONTH for the last 5/6 months.

***We clean the lense after every client and sometimes in between long appointment with a swab sticks and acetone, (in the last month we have replaced acetone with damping the swab stick with water)

***We never take the lense out usless we are replacing the cracked one with the new one.

Any advise would be appreciated...

Outside this, we have had very good results with the unit, but the monthly lenses is really causing a major issue.

06.11 | Unregistered CommenterSkin

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