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Cosmetic IPL Laser Reviews & Comparisons > ProLipo™  Sciton

Is there someone who knows about it?Is a laser like SmartLipo by Cynosure for laser body sculpting?Is it effective?

06.20 | Unregistered CommenterCharry

Yes, the ProLipo is 1064 like Cynosure SmartLipo. I will see a demonstration in a month and I'll let you know how it goes. I plan to also see the 1319 wavelength like the Cooltouch CoolLipo.

06.20 | Unregistered Commenterdexter

I do not think the Sciton has hit the market yet. The only 2 available are the CoolLipo and the Smartlipo. I continue to hear that the Smartlipo (1064nm) does not have enough power to do the job. They already have a second version and they bumped the price from $95,000 to $120,000.

CoolLipo is a 1320nm laser and has been out for a few months. I think they are pricing it around $85,000 to 95,000. Many people feel that the 1320nm wavelength is the correct wavelength for laser lipolysis.

I know Sciton is working on it and sounds like they will use their 1319nm platform for this. The advantage will be for both the CoolLipo and the Sciton (hopefully) you will be able to use them both for laser lipoysis and endovenous ablation.

I have not heard pricing on the Sciton. Also, remember these are only truely useful for smaller areas and many recommend to still aspirate the liquified fat. For larger areas, they are still using traditional lipo. Some are using both in combination feeling that they want to do the deeper tissue with traditional lipo and then followed more superficially with the laser lipolysis. This may show a smoother surface and some contraction of the skin.

06.20 | Unregistered CommenterLH

My philosophy has always been not to do a procedure that you can handle the complications of. I feel that operative treatment of a liposuction procedure is beyond my scope, am I being over cautious or is this nothing to worry about?

06.20 | Unregistered CommenterDermaRogue

I think you may be overly cautious. Make sure to get good training as your insurance will require. I currently do not do any lipo but will be adding it at some point. I will only plan to do smaller areas. I do not want to do large areas just smaller areas for sculpting. I will leave the large areas to plastics. The biggest thing you need to do is spend time with someone that does a lot of it and know your anatomy. Also, make sure that you have a mentor to call with questions.

Heck, many of the derms that do lipo only have done a few in residency. Lipo is not brain surgery but if you do not feel comfortable then do not do it. Sleeping at night always outweighs adding the procedure.

Look at the complications. Basically they are perforation of internal organs bleeding and infection. When was the last time you saw a plastic surgeon work on a bowl perforation?

06.20 | Unregistered CommenterLH

Latest informations from Sciton are that ProLipo will be similar to the two other devices (SmartLipo,CoolLipo) but their users will also be able to do any of other fiber work:Endovascular,Microvascular and Endovenus.It can also have a BBL and a Nd:Yag Handpiece to do external veins etc.It is still under development but by September they will have it ready to go.
That my informations fron Sciton's rep.It will be a seperate laser from one i have.....and it cannot be added to my laser.

06.21 | Unregistered CommenterCharry

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