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Medspa Legal & Legislation > Is there a demand for Certified Laser Technicians in Portland, Oregon?

I have decided to change career paths recently having been in the cosmetic dental field for a good number of years. I'm wondering if anyone can tell me what they think of the Imaj school in Scottsdale? Is there a need in Portland, Oregon for certified laser technicians? Do doctors want certified esthetic laser techs instead of estheticians or both? Is there any doctor out there that can give me their opinion on this matter. Also, I realize estheticians are licensed but is there a license needed for cert. laser techs in the state of Oregon? Thanks!

07.13 | Unregistered CommenterLane D.

Oops, meant to post this in the community forum. I will be doing that!

07.13 | Unregistered CommenterLane D.

Lane: Before you spend money on this course make sure the state you want to operate in recognizes the certification. In most states it would be a meaningless piece of paper. OK if you want to move to Texas or Arizona perhaps.

Thank you for your insight med spa guy. I'll have to check it out.

07.21 | Unregistered CommenterLane D.

Hi there
That is so funny because I have been asking myself the same question, I also have in mind to change career and it seems that the only school available in the States who certifies you as a LASER TECHNICIAN is the Arizona one
Like you I also would like to find out if there is a request in Oregon and if it is really necessary to have that certification to work in cosmetic laser, or not
Just today I found a job ad in Craigslist they are looking for a laser technician in WA and OR and the only certification they require is the following:
Oregon Estetics License or Washington estetics license, but they require experience in laser
I hav ebeen contacting th eestetic school in Portland MArinello to get more info,
If you want I can let you know what they say
Also, I am going to talk to a doctor I know here in PDX who owns a Laser SPA to see what he thinks and if he has any referral, and I could let you know
My email is
My name is Anna
Feel free also to share any info you might find out , that would be awesome

10.25 | Unregistered CommenterAnna

I have the same questions and the esthetician licensing worth the investment of time and money....I really want to work in the lazer tech field. Any suggestions in the Portland, Or area for training?

01.7 | Unregistered Commentervickie

Me too! I'm in Portland Or also and no one seems to be able to answer my questions. What kind of medical degree or certification do you need to administer botox and dermal fillers?CNA, NP, PA In the State of Or. And what certification to use lasers for hair and or you tatoo removal? Thanks~

04.23 | Unregistered CommenterCindy

Cindy: For a good start, check out the following web site-- to

I currently live in Arizona & just received my Aesthetics license. I attended The Southwest Institute of Natural Aesthetics (SWINA), which is a great school. They also offer a 180 hour laser certification program which I will be starting in Oct. I visited Imaj in Scottsdsle when I was deciding which school to attend. It is a nice school, but very expensive. It is $20,000 for the aesthetician/laser program & $8000 for just laser if u are already licensed. However, they offer no financial aid, so that makes it very difficult for most. SWINAS aesthetic/laser program costs about $14,000 & laser only is $4000, with financial aid I only have to pay $9000 total for both certifications. Most states don't require laser certification from what I can tell, but it will be hard to get a job without some training. Plus, Lasers are pretty invasive, so training should be something you require of yourself if this is the career field you really want to enter. In my opinion, education is never a waste......the more u learn the better u will be. Hope this info helps. :)

08.13 | Unregistered CommenterAZgirl

In order to do laser, you have to be an esthetician first. Secondly, How are you going to perform a laser treatment if you do not have any knowledge or training on this? You must know the physic and the safety sides of the laser. Some spas do not require if you have a laser certification or not because you work under a doctor's supervision. They will train you, but only how to use the machine, not the physic part. My recommendation is to attend a laser school or just a certification program to gain the knowledge and to be safe.

For more info, visit OHLA under Esthetic Scope, you will find what you can or can not do. Good luck.

09.12 | Unregistered CommenterKayla

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