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Other IPL & Laser Technologies > korean laser...maybe the best solution?

hi dear colleagues
I want to share with my experience
after 2 years to find a solution for me finally before 6 months i bought two laser from seoul
one diode laser (like soprano) and one fractional co2.
now after 6 months i am totally happy because i think i made the most clever buy
i have wonderful results with little money
and really my laser are like other very very expensive laser
i tasted any laser before and really i think that you must think seriously about koeran laser
i am from europe
the only problem is that sometimes i dont have scientific support from my company and this is only the problem
ok they gave protocols etc but they didnt gave contact emails from other doctors.
also i take the risk to import two machines and if i have technical problem i must ship maybe the machines in korea
but diode laser are very stable
and co2 laser too
dear colleagues

11.2 | Unregistered Commentermrclever

Glad you have made such good decision.How about your professional insurance? Can you get any insurance coverage if the lasers are not approved by FDA or your local authorities?

dear bryan
my laser system have ce mark and I have not problem with local authorities in europe.
I dont know if my laser are fda aprroved.

11.3 | Unregistered Commentermrclever

not many lasers from korea have FDA approval. There are a lot of korean laser distributor in Malaysia.
Indeed some brand are better than the other. I dont own any korean laser , but the issue regarding korean laser vs FDA approved lasers is the stability of the power delivered after some time you use the lasers. meaning after a while , the power you deliver might not be the same as what the monitor shows . But then , if you have limited budget , their machine still deliver the works

11.3 | Unregistered CommenterDr Shah

I dont have limited budget but i Cant understand why i must pay for a fractional co2 100.000 dollars
why...before fractional technology the laser co2 were so cheap and now only with a simple scanner the cost is too high
why when i buy a mercedes or a porche i pay around 70.000 euro and for a laser i must pay too much money?
and really i disaggre totally with opinion for the power of korean do you say something like it?could you tell me which companies have these kind of machine?and if anyone has these machines to give us a reply?
really could you ask yourselves about the truth of many many articles from dermatologists very famous who before some years said for other american machines which were magig and did where are these machines ?where are the results?
i am waiting your replies and after many replies I will say something for a big company and how they managed finally to tell lies.(i think that this company is very reliable and it has very good machines but is really not very true)

11.3 | Unregistered Commentermrclever

Please do not get me wrong that Korean Lasers are not good. I am just wondering the same too, as I am in the market to get a co2 fractional laser. I want the sellas or the handsome Thermoxel from CICU. But health authorities just wont allow us to do so. The cost of such lasers are half the price the other laser companies asking.

i think that you understand that i am from korea or a owner of laser company but now you mentioned my favourite laser
my laser cicu
i have cicu.thermoxel is from another company and it is older model.both of them are very nice but cicu is really a small lumenis co2 and i think that cicu has the best design of co2 laser in the market.
i am available to say you all the advantages and disadvantages of cicu because any machine has some disadvantages maybe.
please tell me your email if you want to have communication

11.3 | Unregistered Commentermrclever

Dear mc clever ,
I have no doubt that CICU is a good Fractional CO2 lasers. Although it is 20% cheaper than the SmartXide , i opt for SmartXide because of the post sales services are better in terms of support training and material. I think in the end we just have to see the whole package and what suits us best.

11.3 | Unregistered CommenterDr Shah

oh about the less stable "power" over the time , this is a comment from few of my colleague who have use the lasers for sometime. But I time goes by , for sure the company have improved the technology.

11.3 | Unregistered CommenterDr Shah

i cant disclosure the price of cicu
but really is more cheaper and because I know smartxide i think that cicu is superior than smartxide
it has better design and very very good construction and reliable
regarding the scientific support i think that it is very easy to use any article for journals and simply you can apply then the right settings although my company provide me some protocols

11.4 | Unregistered Commentermrclever

i cant disclosure the price of cicu
but really is more cheaper and because I know smartxide i think that cicu is superior than smartxide
it has better design and very very good construction and reliable
regarding the scientific support i think that it is very easy to use any article for journals and simply you can apply then the right settings although my company provide me some protocols

12.22 | Unregistered Commentermrclever

Please, could you tell me which are the companys that you have bought your laser? I'm studyng if the chinese and korean are good.


01.17 | Unregistered CommenterRuts

dear ruts
if you have any email please tell me it and I give you any information

01.19 | Unregistered Commentermr clever

hi dear colleagues
I want to share with my experience
after 2 years to find a solution for me finally before 6 months i bought two laser from seoul
one diode laser (like soprano) and one fractional co2.
now after 6 months i am totally happy because i think i made the most clever buy
i have wonderful results with little money
and really my laser are like other very very expensive laser
i tasted any laser before and really i think that you must think seriously about koeran laser
i am from europe
the only problem is that sometimes i dont have scientific support from my company and this is only the problem
ok they gave protocols etc but they didnt gave contact emails from other doctors.
also i take the risk to import two machines and if i have technical problem i must ship maybe the machines in korea
but diode laser are very stable
and co2 laser too
dear colleagues

02.2 | Unregistered Commentermrclever

please mr clever, send to my email the references or names of the companies that you have bought your equipment. Thanks

I want to purchase a kroean co2 fractional machine but I just cant think of a way i can get a maintenance service.. How do you align the machine with no techinician??

02.17 | Unregistered Commentercool

Cool: If you send me an e-mail address I can explain how this can be done.

med spa guy: contact me via

02.18 | Unregistered Commentercool

med spa guy: contact me via

03.15 | Unregistered Commentercool

med spa guy: contact me via

04.1 | Unregistered Commentercool

med spa guy: contact me via

04.1 | Unregistered Commentercool

med spa guy: contact me via

04.4 | Unregistered Commentercool

med spa guy: contact me via

04.21 | Unregistered Commentercool

mrclever, what are your Cicu parameters for acne scars? and for laser treatment of warts or seborrheic keratoses. thanks

09.1 | Unregistered CommenterJRM

Can you please share the name of the Koran manfacturers
Does anyone know much about the company Hironic from South Kora
E-mail me at

Thanks very much!

send to me too name of producer and website of their company :)

05.20 | Unregistered Commentermark

HI! Does anyone know over here AMT Eng PVT LTD from Korea... I heard their OLIVE(diode) LUCAS PLUS (Q switch) is quite good. Any suggestions

08.8 | Unregistered Commentersam

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