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Other IPL & Laser Technologies > Vibraderm Unit

Just wondering if anyone has any experience with Vibraderm. I'm looking into something that's not the average old microdermabrasion. But maybe I should stick with what works. Thanks again for the input.
12.16 | Unregistered CommenterMidwest
i have heard good things from colleagues about the unit. never used personally
12.20 | Unregistered Commentersw derm
I had vibraderm treatment and loved it. I didn't notice immediate results, however, with each passing day, my acne scars faded more and more. I opted for only one treatment. I think I will go ahead and get a package of 6.
12.20 | Unregistered CommenterJasmine
I recently used Obaji nu derm. It was the worst experience ever!!! It completely destroyed my skin. It's been 3 months and my skin still isn't back to normal. I began doing vibraderm to help. I have had 3 treatments so far and it has helped tremendously! I am doing a packet of 7, spaced 10 days apart. You don't notice a difference immediately, however, as the days go by, you will notice that your skin looks better and better. I believe after a few more treatments my skin will be beautiful once again. Vibraderm is definitely a great investment.
01.26 | Unregistered Commenterpw
we have it and love it. Our clients that have had microderm in past prefer the Vibraderm. It is very relaxing and soothing to them and gives great results. Our staff loves it because it is clean and so easy to use! I definatey recommend it!
01.28 | Unregistered CommenterSC
Thanks SC-
My reservations about the unit are as follows:
1. the cost...around $20,000 for a little purple breadbox! lol...are you on a finance plan with the company and could I be so bold as to inquire about the monthly payments? :)

2. the science of's almost like a little vibrating pumice stone on a stick. Is this compromising the barrier function of our patients skin. Friction builds heat, so why recommend this procedure immediately pre laser procedure. What is your protocol?

3. are the disposals expensive for the patients? I know they buy their own paddles. how much is a set?

4. can a paddle really get in the nooks and crannies around the nose?

5. if you like it I would definately like to hear more. is it the same premasis as diamond tip crystal-free microderm? I can't help but think that this is too aggressive for the skin...set me straight if I'm wrong!

6. why do they advocate it over acneic inflammed skin? I avoid treating this type of skin with abrasive technologies.

I would love your input. Our practice is interested in implementing something different that the usual microderm.

Thanks so much!
01.29 | Unregistered CommenterMidwest

Try using the Vibraderm on someones face but have a black towel wrapped over their neck and chest, then shine a bright light from behind their head while performing the treatment. What you will see is dead skin debris (and maybe some live viruses, etc) flying through the air everywhere like a snowy white Christmas scene, except it's someones skin and not snow... Is this healthy for you? Or your patients?
You should check out the HydraFacial, which is a serum based skin resurfacing treatment. It blows away any other form of skin resurfacing (diamonds, crystals, and even other serum based systems). It not only exfoliates dead skin cells but hydrates the skin in antioxidant rich skin specific serums! There are several different types of skin specific serums for different skin problems but they all exfoliate, cleanse, extract and bath the skin in hydration. It is easily the best skin resurfacing treatment I've ever seen or used (and yes I used to sell them so know it well, you won't be disappointed by it)...

02.15 | Unregistered CommenterLaser Guy

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