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Physician Clinical Exchange > LipoEx conductive cream

Have any Lipotron or Lipoex users found a workable substitute for the conductive cream? The expense and availability are limiting.

10.22 | Unregistered Commenterlazerazer

I recently bought the Lipotron 2000 used from another doctor and he said that he just had it compounded from a pharmacy. If you look at the ingredients, there's nothing special in it, just the usual ingredients you'd find in lotion. I've been testing the Lipotron on myself and the results have been mixed. I got rid of the bulges on my hips, which I am very happy about but the half inch I lost on my thighs have already returned. It took more than 10 sessions to lose the half inch but 1 month after I stopped the treatments, it all came back.How has other users' results been?

10.23 | Unregistered Commenterjoanne

use ultrasound gel

10.24 | Unregistered Commenterchris qld

Even if you break up the fat into smaller do you remove it from your body? No machine will MELT the fat because the temperature you need to melt fat is very high. This means there will be a lot of burning of tissue of some sort and you have no control of this. Liposuction does exactly that.. it SUCKS OUT THE FAT THAT GETS CAUGHT IN THE WAND therefore you will see a reduction at exactly the places where it was removed.

If you step on the scale before and after any procedure you will see how much was removed. If there is no significant change the fat is still in the body but can not be melted unless the temperature was adequate to melt iit. This means your weight would have to change IF the fat was removed. No removal means fat MAY have been broken into pieces and is still in there somewhere. IF ONLY YOU COULD OPEN A FAUCET AND LET IT DRAIN OUT...HA, HA, HA. THEY WILL SELL A LOT OF MACHINES AND YOU WILL MAKE MONEY BUT YOU COULD BE SUED TOO.... AND HAVE TO GIVE IT ALL BACK PLUS A LOT MORE. FDA DEFINITION OF SURGERY IS "ANY PROCEDURE THAT ALTERS THE FUNCTION OR APPEARANCE OF THE AREA BEING TREATED IS SURGERY".

Since your goal is to alter the appearance of the treated area you performing SURGERY (and without a license) this means you are NOT INSURED. It constantly amazes me as to the stupidity of the operators who think they can get away with doing these surgical procedures and not get caught. We have all read about this here on the web and on TV etc.but the companies selling the equipment and "teaching" purchasers how to use it (HA, HA, HA, HA) are only interested in the money . (SO IS THE BANK WHO LENDS YOU THE MONEY TO BUY THE DEVICE).

12.11 | Unregistered Commenterlefty2g

Lefty, I'm really confused by your statements. When Radio Frequency (i.e. Lipotron or other similar machine) is used on top of the skin, the RF heat penetrates deep down into both the superficial and subcutaneous layers of fat. At a certain temp. (bet 41 to 43 degrees) the fat is liquefied. The liquefied fat is then sent to your Lymphatic system, where it is disposed naturally (usually by urination). By this method, the fat does not need to be sucked out through liposuction by a cannula. However, if a patient were to choose to undergo liposuction after a few sessions, the fat would be loosed up quite a bit, making it easier for the Surgeon to suck out fat easier and quicker.

I think what you are saying is that RF doesn't work if immediately after the procedure if you still weight the same when you hop on a scale. Correct? There are two reasons for this. 1. It takes some time for the liquefied fat to leave your system. With patients, such as myself for instance, who have a high functioning lymphatic system, I can loose fat in a day or two after a session. While other patients can take a week or more. For those patients, manual lymphatic therapy may be indicated 2. As in Liposuction, fat does not weigh very much. Therefore, sometimes when you weigh yourself you haven't lost but a pound or two, but when measured it is a few inches in the area treated.

This procedure is not Surgery since it is non-invasive and uses Radio Frequency heat to melt fat. The technician performing the treatment is not puncturing the skin. As for insurance, the technician works under the Physician's license and the Physician carries Malpractice insurance. As for being scarred of possible impending lawsuits, if that is a problem for anyone, he/she should not be in the medical field.

I realize the Lipotron is not the most marketed machine these days for fat melting, but I feel it has worked the best for our practice of all the machines I have tried. Since I am paid to produce results for patients, not to sell them the latest and greatest, I have used this machine on hundreds of patients to their satisfaction. I believe all technicians performing RF treatments need to be adequately trained and patients need to be aware during the consult what he/she can expect in terms of inches lost. Patients who only want to lose an inch or two and do not want to have invasive procedure such as Liposuction, would be possible candidates. For larger volume fat reduction and patients who want to "get it over with" and not have to come in for 8 sessions, should potentially opt for Liposuction. Every patient is different in terms of his/her needs and I am glad we have both options for our patients to choose from.

-Wendy Hovorka

12.13 | Unregistered Commenterwendyh


I know you wrote your post awhile ago, but you were stating you lost an inch then gained? Do you have the Lipotron2000 or Lipotron3000? The reason I am asking is because the 2000 model was intended for Beauty Salons and non-Physician offices. The Radio Frequency current is not as strong and only goes down a few millimeters, so would only really be good for possible skin tightening.

If you do have the 3000 and you accidentally typed in the wrong model, what I have found is you want to weigh yourself before the sessions because usually when a patient comes back after having sessions performed and says "it all came back," he/she has gained weight after treatments and as we know with RF treatments, the RF will shrink the fat cell, not remove. This is the opposite of Liposuction, where fat cells are removed. This can be good and bad. The good thing is when we gain weight after RF, it goes right back to where it was melted. Whereas, with Lipo., you will gain in a whole other area. So maybe you have a flat stomach still, but your arms are larger (don't ask me how I know this!). It is a real drag, however, to gain weight with either method so the key is staying within your targeted weight range. Another reason is lymphatic system issues after fat is melted. If a patient has a compromised lymphatic system, you will realize it and will have to address those issues for the patient to realize a result.

As for the conductive cream, there are a few ingredients that make the cream expensive, but so far I have not found a good alternative. You do not want to use ultrasound gel or anything that has alcohol in it as it will immediately burn the patients skin when the treatment head is applied. In a pinch you can use ponds cold cream, but it absorbs too quickly into the skin so you have to use quite a lot of it. Plus, I feel it makes the skin hotter than the conductive cream. Worst of all, it makes the skin slick, so the treatment head slides off the skin, making it more possible to shock the patient (not good!)

12.13 | Unregistered Commenterwendyh

LOOKS like they want to keep you coming back for this medication at exorbitant prices.

07.29 | Unregistered Commenterlefty2g

The device company was paid already but your patients might not return for more treatments. Ask yourself.... Who got the worst end of this deal?

04.9 | Unregistered Commenterlefty2g

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