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Injectable Treatments: Botox & Filler Injections > Sculptra Techniques

I am an aesthetic physician in HK. I have used Sculptra for 4 years for volumizing and to achieve lifting. I have used 800 vials + and find the result extremely satisfying, so much so that I would say this is the best product, out of all injectables and machines, in my 16 years of aesthetic practice. Love to learn more in mastering the technique and applications from colleagues.

03.23 | Unregistered CommenterS. Chow

I am also curious on how Sculptra should be injected-- parallel to the periosteum or intradermally?

04.10 | Unregistered Commenterlars 412

How many vials do you typically inject in one session and how far apart and how many sessions do you typically inject in the same area? I have had more patient satisfaction with Artefill because the results are instant.

04.13 | Unregistered Commenterwilliam

lars412: Hi. I am a Sculptra instructor. The placement of Sculptra depends on the area and the concern you are attempting to address. Whether it is bone loss, volume loss, or dermal thinning. Using both the supra-periostial and the deep dermal/subcutaneous planes will help address the issues in a controlled and safe manner. Basically - above or below muscles - never in muscles. I use and advocate the use of cannula as well as sharp needle. Hope that helps

04.17 | Unregistered CommenterMcScott

william: Hello, typically we use 1 - 2 vials in each session. So the total could be anything from 3 to 6 in 3 sessions, for example 2 + 1 + 1 = 4, or 2 + 2 + 2 = 6. The result is not instant, but if you require a large volume augmentaion, the no of filler vials required would be a lot, resulting in a huge cost and secondly, too much gel is not nature, you look gelly (or plastic). The final result is more natural because of the increased collagen and therefore firming. This is not just stuffing the face with something.

04.21 | Unregistered CommenterS. Chow

I always prefer Meso therapy, not fillers .I do not love fillers, they make the face something puffy.Mesotherapy do not fill the grooves as well but it looks more natural.

04.22 | Unregistered Commenterreidani

Mesotherapy cannot be compared with sculptra. Totally different tools for different purposes.

Think of an apple. Mesotherapy will improve the apple skin in texture, clarity etc etc... but sculptra is there to improve shape of the apple! These are indented temples, sunken midface, and saggy jowls.

I agree that too much filler make the face puffy. therefore we prefer Sculptra, which does not make the face puffy, because it is your own created collagen.

04.24 | Unregistered CommenterS. Chow

Mesotherapy also has a filling effect .It depends on material you use and injection techniques. But this filling effect is always minimal and more natural.

05.1 | Unregistered Commenterreidani

Sculptra is a great product that works well not only with HA fillers but also PMMA (artefill). I think they are all tools. We typically combine them all for best results. I also agree that mesotherapy cannot compare although can be useful, it is a different tool. A natural result can be obtained by not over-filling and restoring patients in several sessions.

05.5 | Unregistered CommenterAnn

ArteFill is not available in HK but we here tends to be more cautious with anything permanent, for a very good reason. Radiesse is here but again I personally feel I am good enough and more comfortable with HA fillers and Sculptra, that I don't need to use it. OK. Lets go back to the technique. For those who are a pro-Sculptra practitioner, how do you inject? For example, needles vs cannulae; different dilutions; areas that you inject in the face, neck and dorsa etc....? Please.

05.7 | Unregistered CommenterS. Chow

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