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Bodysculpting & Liposuction > Are there any good Cellulite treatments?

Has anyone had success with cellulite treatments using the current available or soon to be released technologies? Velasmooth by Syneron, Endermologie, Acoustic Wave Technology by MedSurge Advances, or Accent by Alma Lasers, LipoSonix, or Ultrashape? I'd be interested to hear how well each work, how many treatments needed, consistency of results, and ideal patients.

03.23 | Unregistered CommenterRichard
And LipoSmart from Cynosure. I don't want to make a big investment for no return...again. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
03.24 | Unregistered CommenterDermaDoc
Wait on the Smartlipo. I am hearing that it is underpowered. I will be going to look at it as well as a competitor product in the next few months. I hear they work well it is just the power with the Smartlipo.

They are only for small areas. Lipo-dissolve can work but the others are all temporary. The ultrasound technologies will start hitting this year as well as hermage is developing a tip for use with the thermacool.

What I am saying is do NOT rush in to this territory. The technology is going to change a lot over the next 2 years.
03.24 | Unregistered CommenterLH
We are waiting for Smartlipo and it's similar competitors. But are there any good non-invasive cellulite technologies?

03.31 | Unregistered CommenterRichard
Ultrashape is suppose to be available this spring and cost about $150,000. Liposonix will likely be available early 2008. Not sure of the cost of the Liposonix.
03.31 | Unregistered CommenterLH
I use endermologie and the results are small and temporary.I believe the same is true for velasmooth and acoustic wave according to my patients anecdotal reports and some white papers.Wieght loss works certainly seems to help cellulite. Sorry but its still the most effective solution I have seen.
We have had the velasmooth for about 1 year. I can honestly say that there are some visible, subtle results if the patient will adhere to the sessions. The biggest problem that I have ran into is the marketing end of the treatments. You have to commit to at least 2 sessions per week (1 hr each) to see any results. Most women find this very hard to manage with family, work etc. In our small town we have 2 Velasmooth units and both of our businesses are struggling to get patients. The other thing to consider is that the treatment ties a room up for a bout 1 hour and in our area we are only getting about $60/session. Not very profitable!!
I currently have my unit listed on the Laser Trader for sale because I cannot generate enough $ to cover the lease payment. I guess in a larger market it could be profitable.

Can you tell me what you mean by SmartLipo being underpowered? I know some of the equipment out there can be switched from 110v to 220v to kick up the power; is that the type of power you mean or simply that it doesn't get the job done?

I appreciate whatever you or anyone can offer on the SmartLipo, I have patients already wanting to book appointments and I haven't decided if we will even have the machine. Help!
04.2 | Unregistered CommenterDermaDoc
Is anyone currently using the Ultrashape/Liposonix/Accent that can comment on it's effectiveness?
04.2 | Unregistered CommenterRichard
I stumbled accross this site while researching the Smartlipo and have seen some very helpfull information. Thanks!

I have been using the Ultrashape machine in London for the last 7 months and treated around 120 patients up to date. I must say that I have had some great results like a 4cm reduction after a single treatment and 7,5cm reduction after 2 treatments on the abdomen. On average it is still 2 - 2,5cm per treatment as the manufacturer claims, but the individual variability of 1 - 4 cm loss in circumference can leave some patients unhappy if they are on the wrong end. Assesing their expectations at the initial consultation is key. We are combining the treatment with an pre and post Accent to try and achieve better consistant results and I think that it works, but will have to wait a bit longer to confirm this theory. The area which responds the best in my opinion is the abdomen. It is important to also market this as a course of 3 treatments. I would say that 60 - 70 percent of our patients are satisfied with the results of the Ultrashape, which I think is good for a new technology. The performance of the treatment can however take long (60 - 90 minutes) and should be considered in the ROI. It is worth while partnering with a PS who can do the candidates who are not suitable for Ultrashape (BMI>29) as these can be as high as 25% of your enquiries.

I am investigating the smartlipo to enable treatment of some smaller areas which I cannot currently do with the Ultrashape (inner thighs / love handles / arms etc.)

The Accent by itself has been rather dissapointing for me, but I have seen some before and afters from other clinics where they have achieved some great results. As far as the face is concerned I do not think that it is not worth while.
04.3 | Unregistered CommenterAdriaan

I have not used it but I am hearing it is underpowered. This is coming from docs that do a lot of lipo. I believe they are saying it is rather slow. There are a couple of companies coming out with more powerful units and likely for similar pricing or less.

I know a doc that has had the Smartlipo for about 2 months. I am trying to get to his clinic and see the smartlipo in action. I have not talked to him in about a month. I think I will add one of these technologies sometime over the next 12 months but I am waiting for the fallout.

The thing I do not like about the Ultrashape is the cost. I am hearing it is going to be $150,000. I think that is a little steep. I appreciate Adriaan's insight and hope to hear more from them.
04.3 | Unregistered CommenterLH
anyone have new info on the smartlipo? considering it, but i'm always worried about offering a service that is overhyped and underperforming.
05.21 | Unregistered Commentermdnyc
I have heard the AWT-acoustic wave by medsurge is a great product. I dn't think they make it but there are many docs in my area in the northeast that are doing well. Results vary based on technique, but the training and courses are great. I will be buying mine in June.
05.21 | Unregistered CommenterDR ATR
I am in a holding pattern right now. I have heard rumors that thermage is developing a deeper penetrating tip for cellulite/fat. I own thermage so this would save me money if I only have to buy tips.

I would also wait a few months as I have also heard that there are a couple of companies coming out with their own version of SmartLipo. I am hearing rumors that the SmartLipo is underpowered. I have also heard that the 1320nm may be better for fat than the 1064 but this is still up in the air. Just look at the companies that make a 1064 and 1320 and I bet most of the more advanced companies will go after their versions of SmartLipo.
05.22 | Unregistered CommenterLH

Guys and gals- the fact is that there are NO GOOD CURES FOR CELLULITE. Cellulite is due primarily to fiberous septae between the deeper facial system and the skin causing compartmentalization of the fat and retraction of the skin, leading to the indentations in ths skin. Nothing is curative. Anyone that is touting a cure has to show me how it can uniformly lyse the septal connections or I do not believe it. I have had a very modest improvement using the Vaser ultrasonic probe before liposuction, but the results are modest at best and it is near impossible to achieve a uniform contour. I use Endermologie after liposuction on all patients after thigh liposuction, and I really think it helps speed along recovery and disbursement of fluid, but I can tell you that as far as a cellulite cure, it only causes a little swelling temporarily that hides the septal retractions.

Just my two cents

08.7 | Unregistered CommenterRLS

I recently purchased the smartlipo as I was told by Cynosure the College of Physicians and Surgeons would allow for nonsurgical physicians to perform this. Cynosure personally guaranteed that should the College not allow this at some time they would refund all money spent on the machine and training. Unfortunately the College never approved the use of this machine, I had to return it and Cynosure has refused to reimburse me for the cost of the course. I have found them to be very dishonorable. I was not only mislead by the company about College approval but was mislead about being refunded. I would suggest interested parties beware of the companies double standard.

01.15 | Unregistered CommenterCanada

We have been using Radio-Frequency Assisted Lipoplasty in our clinic for the past 6 months. We have seen significant results with patients for fat pockets and areas. This device should be FDA approved some time in 2008 for the treatment of visceral fat. We have also had much better success with Cellulite superficial and deep, even better than mesotherapy.

01.23 | Unregistered CommenterWLodge

I have just started to use MesoDerm for mesotherapy treatments in my clinic. I have treated three patients for cellulite and all three have obtained great results. I do my treatments with mesoderm and velasmooth. I was not very happy with velasmooth, that's why I purchased mesoderm. I did not believe mesoderm could actually do mesotherapy with no needles, but the rep came to my clinic for three treatments to prove it to me. It actually works! I would never do micro injection again. And now I can do lipodissolve treatments twice a week since there is no downtime. I am glad that the combination works so well because the vela costs big $$$ and alone doesn't work well.What kind of radio-frequency unit are you talking about?? Is it the thermage for body?? Does it cause as much pain as other thermage units???

03.12 | Unregistered CommenterDPY

For your lipodissolve, do you do mesoderm only or with something else??Thermage just came out with a tip FDA-approved for cellulite. I have not tried it but was told that it is no more painful than the other tips. In general, the other tips can be performed with anaesthetic cream and maybe sometimes with Vicodin. I believe most MD's don't go beyond that to perform thermage anymore. I only use the cream.

03.12 | Unregistered Commenterpmdoc

Yes, Thermage just released the CL tips. The before and after photos are amazing. We do not use topical for Thermage. Our providers need the patients biofeedback. To get results from Thermage, you need to do lower energy with more pulses. Thats the key to this treatment. You will see tightening in your stomach for laxity if you do 900-1200 pulses at a lower energy. Now they are marketing the cellulite treatment as needing only ONE treatment, That will soon be determined.And of course maintenance needs to be implemented too. I suspect you could do maintenance with VelaShape if need be.. any thought PM Doc?

03.15 | Unregistered CommenterJennifer

As per RLS's 8/2007 comment which I agreed, this is a complicated problem to deal with. One thing good about monopolar RF in this regard is upon discharging the heat, after it gets to its intended depth (which 4.3mm for the CL tips at 20C cooling temp) then it has to dissipate its way out to where the ground return pad is. Naturally, it selects the least resistant medium. Per Dr. Jay A. Burns, MD, ASAPS, of Dallas (Thermage: MonoPolar RF, Nov/Dec2005, Aesthetic Surgery Journal 638-642) "..It's important to understand that fibrous septa are heated more than the surrounding fat(b/c fat has higher impedance), both clinical and mathematical models support this concept. The estimate of the temp. rise for the fibrous septa is bet. 1.4 and 3.0 times that of fat. This increased amt of current coursing thru the fibrous septa is responsible for the selective heating of these septae"
Having said that, I believe an effective cellulite reduction therapy would involve more than a stand alone therapy as in thermage CL alone or whatever else. I have the MesoDerm rep this Tuesday for demos as a possible adjunctive. I am not sure if I would go with the Velasmooth with Thermage since it costs a lot and it also does RF (bipolar). For its U/S portion, I guess I could do with something else less expensive if needed albeit thermage tips can probably do the "smoothening/leveling" work effectively also.

03.16 | Unregistered Commenterpmdoc

i use Velashape in my practice. However, it is important to have an excellent technique. Syneron the manufacturer in my opinion tends to exaggerate the rapidity with which the results can be achieved.

I used to have two velasmooth machines and then when the upgrade came I changed them. They are technique dependent and the skin has to get hot. If it does not the treatment is useless.

Please request to see the before an after pictures and then do a trial treatment and see what the technique is like.
I hope that helps.

03.16 | Unregistered Commenterlasergeek

We too have VelaShape, we did the upgrade, We have a steady flow of patients who love the tx and results. I will be attending the conference in Chicago to see the CL tips. Thermage in our office does quite well. We are anxious to see what the CL tips deliver. It took awhile to perfect the protocol for Thermage on the body, however, the more pulses and lower energy the better the success rate. As with anything new, the kinks need to be worked out.

03.16 | Unregistered CommenterJen

Where are you located?? For the cellulite treatments, do you use anything else but Velasmooth/Velashape?? From what I heard of it from 3 years ago, it did not work. Then this LipoZap craze came about in Los Angeles with some bad press. Then this Fig franchise went BK last December. So I just became a bit leery of this platform. I do agree with you in general that when something does not come out as good (i.e. Thermage, Plasma Rhytec, LHR, fillers, botox, etc) a lot of it has to do with the OPERATOR rather than the platform itself, provided that platform DOES come with the built-in efficacy.

03.16 | Unregistered Commenterpmdoc

I am located in Vancouver, BC. For cellulite only i use Velashape. Please check out my paper at ASLMS in Boston 2006 on Velasmooth. I clearly said that it is technique dependent and works well.
I have found that the platform works but syneron went crazy by trying to overselling its abilities and they are paying for it. It requires multiple treatments, need a careful eye on technique, and skin heat has to be increased.

03.16 | Unregistered Commenterlasergeek

ULTRACONTOUR is a great opportunity for non invasive combined body contouring. You have on the same device the HIFU treatment and the Lymphatic drainage by ultrasonic UMD transducers.
More than 300 physicians have adopted Ultracontour, mainly in europe and in South america.

Clinical results confirm up to 10 centimetres reduction in body circumference using Ultracontour©

98 % patients expressed satisfaction.


03.21 | Unregistered CommenterANNA

can you tell us a little bit more about how you are using the mesoderm cream with the velasmooth. how often do you apply or patients apply themselves and when in relation to the velasmooth treatments? thanks

03.21 | Unregistered Commentersk

In regards to Cellulite treatment.

A year ago, this georgeous gal walked in, no, burst in our office and asked how much we charge for Botox. She said that her girls needed a place to go, what could we do for referrals. We told her we could hook her up. So, she starts sending us client after client after client. She does endermologie treatments with the LPG. She has a partner and two employees. They can book 8 am to 12 pm 7 days a week. (Not continuously, rather, they just accomodate the clients)

They rented elsewhere for a while now they are in our medspa, with the increased foot traffic since they moved in, we have decresed our rent 10%, and pick up a patient a day, so far. They get referral from us, and we will be cross marketing as well.

Winner winner, chicken dinner

Oh, ya, this georgeous gal, she gets results, tells them to "put down their fork or don't waste your money" They love her. If she told them to rub pig snot on their face, they would do it.

So, you can see a client all the time, on weekly basis, bi weekly basis, and increase foot traffic, offer referral credits, retail should go up accordingly, impulse botox apts,...

Sorry, I can't tell you why it works. I like the temporary swelling theory. Certaining it increases the blood flow to the area.

Anyone using tripollar technology for cellulite reduction?

07.15 | Unregistered Commenteraestmed

BellaContour is a innovative ultrasound system, developed specifically for aesthetic treatments. This innovative patented technology uses the mechanical and physical characteristics of ultrasound technology to reach also the deeper lying layers of the skin. The machine is FDA approved and available in the U.S. So you can email me if you would like more information about the BellaContour.

07.15 | Unregistered Commenterernest

BellaContour is not FDA approved yet.

08.1 | Unregistered Commenterunknown

their website states that "The BellaContour has CE Medical approval for cellulite breakdown, this added indication is currently under review with the FDA and is pending their approval."

08.1 | Unregistered Commenterunknown

Bellacontour is not used in any country of Europe neither in Asia, they have tried to push this Physiotherapist machine from Brasil up to USA going through Europe...
The CE is not either MEDICAL there is no NOTIFIED BODY reference, it is just a CE for safety of the machine.
Please remember all that in Europe the CE is not like FDA cannot provide any medical application in details.
Only included in one category of application, like Therapeutic Ultrasounds /// or Diagnostric Ultrasounds, but there is no medical specification on a CE Medical, it is purely indicative.
This is why some companies put the CE with some details and then cannot get FDA which is very strict in that matter.

03.2 | Unregistered CommenterJANE

well let me tell all of you if you are really trying to get rid of the excess fat and the stretch marks also the unwanted flabs that comes out after you give birth to your baby Bellacontour is your only answer. I was spectical about getting any treatment but got a very good result. i could get into my High school pants after 10 treatments. AND YES it is a FDA approved machine.

06.11 | Unregistered CommenterNEW MOM

Dear New Mom,
I am glad it worked on you, because in Europe it is consider to be a very bad system, and in Europe people beleive in 4 systems only, ULTRASHAPE, NOVASHAPE, LIPOSONIX and ULTRACONTOUR.
All the others are copy cut with 20% results maximun, so you must be on 20%.
And fat from pregnancy is very fresh and so very easy to be removed.
If you talk about older fat then you need a powerful machine

08.10 | Unregistered CommenterJANE

Dear New Mom,
I am glad it worked on you, because in Europe it is consider to be a very bad system, and in Europe people beleive in 4 systems only, ULTRASHAPE, NOVASHAPE, LIPOSONIX and ULTRACONTOUR.
All the others are copy cut with 20% results maximun, so you must be on 20%.
And fat from pregnancy is very fresh and so very easy to be removed.
If you talk about older fat then you need a powerful machine

10.10 | Unregistered CommenterJANE

LipoTRON 3000

11.18 | Unregistered Commenterunknown

We have recently installed the smoothshapes system in our clinic. We are based in the Netherlands. We have been using it for about 2 weeks. I would like to get in touch with other more experienced smoothshapes users. What if anything can would you advise to us as begining users with respect to managing expectations, best protocols, pitfalls, how best to program the service offer etc. Thanks in advance for your contribution.

11.20 | Unregistered CommenterRT

We have been using the SmoothShapes in our practice since May 2009 with great results. The key is skin contact, so a typical treatment is 100minutes once per week. Also the practitioner needs to give it a little energy and increase the suction is areas of worse cellulite. We also preheat the areas before treatment with heating pads. The machine works now we will see how long the results last. Please keep me informed with your results.

11.23 | Unregistered CommenterAP- Miami

We have been using the SmoothShapes in our practice since May 2009 with great results. The key is skin contact, so a typical treatment is 100minutes once per week. Also the practitioner needs to give it a little energy and increase the suction is areas of worse cellulite. We also preheat the areas before treatment with heating pads. The machine works now we will see how long the results last. Please keep me informed with your results.

12.22 | Unregistered CommenterAP- Miami

hank you very much for this useful article. I like it.
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01.27 | Unregistered CommenterSin

We have been using the SmoothShapes in our practice since May 2009 with great results. The key is skin contact, so a typical treatment is 100minutes once per week. Also the practitioner needs to give it a little energy and increase the suction is areas of worse cellulite. We also preheat the areas before treatment with heating pads. The machine works now we will see how long the results last. Please keep me informed with your results.

We have been using the SmoothShapes in our practice since May 2009 with great results. The key is skin contact, so a typical treatment is 100minutes once per week. Also the practitioner needs to give it a little energy and increase the suction is areas of worse cellulite. We also preheat the areas before treatment with heating pads. The machine works now we will see how long the results last. Please keep me informed with your results.

03.15 | Unregistered CommenterAP- Miami

We have been using the SmoothShapes in our practice since May 2009 with great results. The key is skin contact, so a typical treatment is 100minutes once per week. Also the practitioner needs to give it a little energy and increase the suction is areas of worse cellulite. We also preheat the areas before treatment with heating pads. The machine works now we will see how long the results last. Please keep me informed with your results.

I've read the posts with some interest. I've been practicing Mesotherapy for nearly 11 years and have been training Physician's in both Mesotherapy and Lipodissolve. One of my trainees is from Toronto and owns an Ultrashape. I asked them why train in Mesotherapy after spending so much on the Ultrasound and they said that they found the results inconsistent. I also own a Velasmooth. I have found it disappointing overall no matter how hard we tried. When the Velashape rep came by to try to get us to upgrade, I was told I'd get the same results with less treatments. I threw him out. I did see some units in Paris that looked interesting but I am a skeptic. Let me borrow the unit for a few months with an option to buy. If it really works this should be no problem as people would be lining up. How many companies do you know that would stand behind their product in this way? Mesotherapy works great and has a long history of sucess. Even here, patient's need maintenance treatments.

There is no procedure or other "event" that will provide a permanent or even long term resolution of cellulite or total body fat or ANYTHING regarding long term health. The only thing that will is the adoption of a lifestyle of continuously cleansing out the impurities we absorb from our diets, our personal care products and from our environment that cause cellulite and body fat accumulation AND putting into ourselves the nutrients it takes to be optimally healthy that we are not getting from our food.

The human body is constantly remodeling itself and we are what we absorb.

I'm an MD who performed over 1,000 liposuctions. Like most of you here, I became frustrated because many folks were returning months later having gained back their fat plus more because they did not make the lifestyle changes needed to make permanent improvements in their health.

[This comment contained a solicitation that has been removed.]

Best regards,
Mike Aruta, MD

Optimum option for me is definitely Velashape (don't opt for Velasmooth if you can opt for Velashape, the second is much more effective)! But have to mention that Velashape is not a good fat removal procedure, so if you choose this you should be sure you want just to focus on cellulite treatment

I posted this under the Liposonix & another tab as well..
I am real provider, with real staff, with a real medical degree and real value of making both money, paying off student loans and ethical treatment toward patients.
I would really like to have a topical machine driven modality work for fat reduction, cellulite reduction/removal and/or remodeling.
I just have NOT seen any. Freezing definately doesn't work. Sorry Coolsculpting. We had it in our office for 6 week demo including my own wife and neighbors. I felt like a heel when it didn't work. It reminds me of freezing a banana....both the fruit and peel both freeze hoping that only the fruit get mobilized and removed....nice thinking, good concept, but a farce. Again, not knocking the company, don't work for a competitor, but rather really WANTED IT TO just doesn't.
I have not seen ANY RF device make any difference at all....whether mono polar, unipolar, bipolar, Venus Freeze, Alma/Accent, Velashape, Velasmooth, Thermage,
It is akin to heating your skin and subQ tissues to moblize, destroy and resculpt fat.... I am glad that others have seen results, b/c I have NOT. PICTURES, MEASUREMENTS AND PERSONAL STORIES ARE NOT FACT. We would need temporary tatoo with rock solid measurements, before/after tissue sampling, etc
We have had a Thermage, Liposonix, Velashape, Venus Freeze and an Accent, tried others as well.
I made the mistake of buying a Liposonix Bought it new. 120K with a thrown in Clear & Brilliant.
Wish I didn't I was hoping it worked better than RF and Freezing...
I was hoping HIFU was the method for nonsurgical fat/cellulite reduction without a scalpel.
We do HIFU prostatic tissue for tumors, non-malignant breast tissue...these work...but the energy is much higher, more focal and the patient is asleep.
Never buy a Venus Freeze, Thermage, Alma Accent, or Coolscupting.
Call me take my word for it, we either demo'd, shared or purchased one in the past....lost $, time and committment.
I would rather do liposuction all day or tucks. Agreed that most of you reading this aren't physicians though and don't have that option.
My take on Liposonix is that the company Solta DOESN'T TELL YOU is this:
1. You will have added cost of almost $10K/yr in continued warranty (so build that into your cost),
2. You can never sell if on open market b/c they have a recert fee (which is likely illegal if someone would pursue lawsuit like the old auto manufacturers of the 30-40-50's) and it breaks all the time with software, problems with heads (which they seem to have fixed a bit, or with error codes),
3. The disposable fees are just B.S......which are their bread and butter of making money.
Well, you cannot charge as much as they say for sure. Don't use their numbers, they don't work. Use your own numbers of patients, lower the charge by at least 1/3 and map out a business analysis for the addition of this (and any new laser service or investment)
The machine doesn't remove 1" of fat in 12 weeks, the MACHINE SEEMS TO HURT A SIGNIFICANT NUMBER OF PATIENTS that makes it unacceptable, unusable, problematic and require your staff & you to really walk the patients thru a severely painful situation despite percocet, demoral, toradol, ativan and even tumescent.
Yeap. As a matter of fact they just lowered their disposable price per head (was only #525 hits now #900, was around $5K now seemingly somewhat negotiable) b/c they realized that giving patients only x3 passes at 60 joules could not be tolerated in a significant # of patients
I think Soilta is concerned about one thing $$$$ first, then about telling you that they have another machine to purchase that just 'jkills it'
Beware, their model is to make money anyway they can initial sales, then disposables, then recert fee, then another machine, it is NOT a good business model.
Does anyone want to buy a Liposonix? If someone out there can use it, get results and wishes to have a great mutually beneficial situation, please let me know.
WIll sell it rather inexpensive and 2nd hand....which is the way most lasers should be purchased BTW.

Hi, I was looking for a bit on the internet and I found this site: How to get rid of cellulite without surgery
Check out review. I hope that I helped.

03.31 | Unregistered CommenterPavla

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