Medspa Legal & Legislation > Can a PA own a Medical Spa?
Yes, provided you have a full time physician on site. He can either be employed by you or be a parttner. Any physician can be used, not just derms and PS's. However; I would certainly contact the Florida Medical Board and review the legislation that was enacted last year.

Anyone can own a med spa in Florida. It is one of the only states that non medical can own a medical establishment.
If you are a PA you can own 100% of med spa. Physician DOES NOT need to be on site at any time (indirect supervision means easy access of communication ie telephone). Medical director MUST be PS, or Derm board certified or board eligible. Also chart review and signature is not required in this instance.
WPS Esquire, please do your home work, that would avoid false information.

Flordia PA,
I am not sure a MD can be dictated on the practice of medicine. If a General Med Doc sees a patient for acne or another skin condition that MD can treat the condition, he doesn't have to send the patient to a Derm. I am not in FL so I am not sure about the PS and Derm deal for a Med Spa, but I would think a General MD should be able to be used for the Medical Director. I don't think the BOM could tell a General MD he couldn't practice in a Med Spa if the MD has a license.

What you say is logical. The general rule is MD and in most instances PA as well, scope of practice is education and/or training to do so. This is not logic this is dirty politics.
The bill might as well have said
Only PS or Derm may collect revenue from PA or NP in med spa.
In May, Gov. Jeb Bush signed a law, House Bill 699, that limits the number of "satellite" offices a plastic surgeon or dermatologist may operate to one. (Physicians already operating two are grandfathered in and will be allowed to operate two until 2011.) The law, which took effect July 1, requires that the offices must be located within 25 miles of the physician's primary practice and that all satellite offices must be within 75 miles of each other.
More significant for the med spa industry, the law also states that only dermatologists or plastic surgeons may serve as medical directors of med spas. Some in the med spa industry say the change is a blatant move by plastic surgeons and dermatologists to corner the market on the lucrative med spa procedures, particularly Botox - and kick other physicians off the gravy train. After all, they point out, other types of physicians may still perform Botox injections, medical microdermabrasion, chemical peels and laser treatments in their primary offices - but House Bill 699 means they can no longer perform them at a med spa.
"It's a push by the dermatologists and plastic surgeons to control the industry in the guise of safety," says Eric Light, president of the International Medical Spa Association, which sent 200,000 e-mails unsuccessfully urging Bush to veto the bill.
Industry groups also complained that one of the legislation's co-sponsors, Rep. Eleanor Sobel (D-Broward), is married to Hollywood dermatologist Stuart Sobel and operates a skin care products company. She should have recused herself from the debate on the issue, the groups say. Sobel did not respond to requests for comment.
Fl PA note:
If anyone in the Fl senate had any integrity, Sobel should have faced ethics charges

The ownership of a med spa is dependent on the what state you reside in and if it is a corporate practice of medicine state. Pleasee see the attached URL for more information. YOu shuold consult with your attorney if this applies to you.
Hope that helps!

I work as a PA for a large chain of laser centers and our SP is in pain management and rehab - and is not even board certified in her own specialty much less derm or plastics. With our company being as big as it is, I would guess that they would not blatantly violate FL law as this would put a whole state worth of clinics at risk of closure. I wonder if our company itself is grandfathered in? Because the SP herself is new to the company. Also, she supervises 2 clinics with hopes of doing more, and her office is not within 25 miles of ours. Insights??

Upon further research, I have discovered that all of these restrictions have been lifted with the passage of FL SB 2038 effective July 1, 2011:

can a Pa own a med spa in florida providing the medical direcor is a Dermatologist or a plastic surgeon?
Regarding PA;s working in med spas: It is my understanding that a derm or ps must suprivise the pa in a med spa but does not need to be on the premises while the PA is practicing there. Additionally, The Medical director must delegate the specific procedures the PA performs and PA must be trained on these procedures and demonstrate competency and proficiency in these procedures, whether it be botox, laser etc. If any one knows differently please advise. cosmo PA