Cosmetic IPL Laser Reviews & Comparisons > Cynosure Laser Users?
The results with my cynosure have been great. The service has been really good too. We had a candela before and the laser always went down and the service was horrible. It's not to say the cyno never breaks but it has been down way less than the candela and they have fixed it quickly. The service contract is a little more than candela but you don't pay for cryo so it actually ends up being cheaper. I think if you are in populated areas the service is better. I know someone who just got the mpx and they said it was the best laser they have ever used. The results were better than anything they have ever seen and they have been doing lasers for 11 years.

By the looks of it. so called Shelly and Bob West have come on here to do a little PR control. I'm not saying the MPx Elite doesn't remove hair and do veins, but so did the the standard Elite and I would pay anyone to prove that the MPX Elite does anything better than the standard elite on the exact same person being treated.
Shelly, the truth is that I beg to differ on the cost savings and convenience in using Cynosure or other companies as a more reliable or better way to service your laser. I charge the same for every service call anywhere in the country, flat rate and offer as good or better parts than cynosure, and have never had them beat my prices with savings on parts included, and my customers don't complain about break downs and down time. My customers lasers run for a year and more with no problems other than standard repairs, like lamps, and this is what they and their technicians should offer. No one should say, it's better cause it breaks down less. The laser shouldn't break down if serviced correctly every visit when you do standard service. So saying they come fix it fast tells me that they didn't have it running correctly the last time they were there, unless the customer keeps breaking it, which usually doesn't happen.
I'm not here to defend against Cynosures attacks. My business is thriving no matter what they say, because it's what they do and have done that tells the truth. Now Bob is the new guy hired to fix the customer service problems I assume, but he should be doing it within the company and if done right it will take a long time to make it right. Your not fixing anything coming here to bash others to make your company look better.
Bob should also be aware that what he is involved in is slander, which is illegal, even on forums or websites. There is no way possible Cynosure or Bob can legally provide any such evidence of stolen parts or service while I was employed, or paperwork in my file prooving such, without facing legal repercussions.
Anyone doubting my professionalism or my abilities can pick anyone from my 2 inch pile of over 100 service reports and customers who employ me, or those who have purchased lasers from me with my 6 month warranty. My customers, as seen on here and those who have called me to help save them from the disasterous experiences with the manufacturer and 3rd party companies who claim one thing and fall short of their promises and experience, all say and wlll say the same thing, my service is unbeatable.
Thank You
Leon L.
Independent Laser

Best way to judge a laser is to ask top 3-4 providers for a long clinical day each and watch them treat conditions which you would tend or antisipate to treat in your clinic, include profile of clients with skin types which fits your patients profile - this will allow you to follow up with the results.
Cynosure is old concept with old type lasers, only Alex and Yag while other providers can paclkage 4-6 lasers per platform. Useful also to check the company performance on the American stock exchange - last I checked they look like they are not very stable...good to check before you buy.
Try the Soprano Laser- its new and painless treatment, which is in use by many of the biggest chains

So, using a diode laser for hair removal is "new"? It must have taken years for the Alma engineers to see Lumenis doing it and then "innovate" the motion concept.
Nice job Alma engineers! You guys are top notch.

As I have heard the sordid tale Alma was formed by several ex-Lumenis employees/officers who decided to "do it their way". This apparently ended up in court and the litigation has cost a great deal of money.... Many of these laser companies have hatched from the same couple of eggs some years ago.

Bear in mind Cynosure employees monitor, post and attempt to imtimidate opposing views on this site to try to repair their sorry image. Apperently with sales off they've nothing better to do to try to save this sinking ship.
There are people there who are vitually unemployable anywhere else.

None of this technology is new. It's been around for a long time. Most was used for other applications till approval for what they do today.
I personally don't agree with a one unit for all system due to the fact that when one wavelength goes, so goes the entire system and is useless till repair. Now some dual platforms, typically IPL and other, or even the Apogee Elite can suffer from some failure of one half the unit and still use the other, but not always.
I do believe all companies suffer from the same issues in customer service and No one manufacturer can claim otherwise. In my experience each has potential to build a great laser, but it's no guarantee that the other systems they build are the same or do what they say, for that matter.
Before specializing in only a handful of lasers, I had extensive experience with most of the manufacturer. As time went on and the market shrunk, some survived, some merged. Through it all costs are cut in the goal to maintane profits, or gain profits. Beleive it or not, many laser lasted up to 20 years. Lasers used to produce 4 times the power needed to treat and could lose energy off the max energy reached and they still calibrated and were safe to use without failure. Then laser companies cut corners and produced lasers that just met or barely exceeded the power needed to treat and in doing so, when energy output dropped from degredation of internal parts or other, it gave errors and failed to produce sufficient treatment parameters and wouldn't allow you to use till service. Now we're at a happy middle ground for most, but lasers are made like cars, and they aren't built as well as they could to last longer without failure because that is how manufacturers make money and offer lasers cheaper than they used to. They also take into consideration that in order to survive and keep newer products out there, they need to make repairs more costly the older the unit in order to influence the customer to buy new. This is business as we know it today.
From my experiences and feedback. diode laser work ok, but not as good as yag or alex lasers. Ipl units are the same, and by the way this technology is very old as well, and were used in hospitals years ago and were then reintroduced to people as though it was new technology, to a new batch of uninformed buyers.
Do your homework and talk to people not referred by the manufacturer who has mulitple technologies to compare.
Realize everyone on this and other sites have a motive. I do, I have a business. Difference is that I let my work and services speak for me. Unfortunately I can't warn everyone of all the cons out there making thousands off of unsuspecting laser owners just looking for someone to take care of them and their laser troubles, instead of draining their bank accounts working on equipment they have nothing more than basic information on. These guys know they can make alot of money preying on people who have no resource to tell them who is or isn't legit. When they find out the guy they hired isn't, it's too late and that guy moves on to the next victim, and there are many many lasers and owners to victimize. This goes for sales companies too. They will match prices and warranties and make claims just to make the sale, and when problems arise, they send billy bobs laser services to fix the problem for the laser to work long enough to meet that warranty.
I've even offered my services to some sales companies, but due to costs to do it right, they choose not to inspect, repair and refurbish these lasers and do it right, I guess it cuts into profits, so they choose not to.
Good luck to all.
Leon L.
Independent Laser

I have seen the Soprano in the big medispa chains next to the Cynosure and Candela lasers. You should ask the tech that use both which laser they like the best. If they have been doing treatments with the Soprano and Candela or Cynosure for over a year they will tell you which one they want to push out the door. The reason that they are in so many big chain spas is because they rarely brake down and are cheap. As for pain free you get what you pay for. In order to kill the hair facial you need to heat it above the thermal threshold, this produce heat in the surround tissue causing pain. The best way to get the heat you need is through a very short pulse width or through a variable pulse width that will relax the heat from the tissue not the hair facial. Rubbing a diode laser over the skin in several directions to heat the skin and hair facials up to were the patient can hardly stand it and doing it one more time to get a good treatment. Sorry but that sound like they are just reducing the hair shaft and color which the hair never falls out. That would be why they have more treatments with more vellus hair, but I guess you could call that hair reduction. If you use a topical pain killer you risk burning the patient if you do not pay very close attention to them or the temp of their skin.
The biggest problem that I see with most diode lasers it that they are a contact device, that means that you are placing the hand piece on the body. I have seen how some laser technician due a brief wipe over of the tip of the hand piece. The next time you look at one of the hand pieces for the diode laser look at the cracks that surround the crystal, that could hold many different type of germs and diseases. Just think when you have your face treated with that tip it could have been doing some woman full bikini or some mans crack. If you look at the Cynosure or Candela lasers distance guides you will see that every office pulls them out of cidex, bleach or other types of disinfectants.
I know many laser centers that have diode laser, have NEVER had the yearly calibration done or preventive maintenance done on the machine. If you own one you can pay the $2200 to ship it back to have it done or you just look the other way and hope that if you burn some one their lawyers do not ask for the calibration records. If the office bought the device third party that they will charge you to $12K to recertify and warranty the unit.
Knowing this information I will never be treated with a diode laser or IPL for hair removal.
Dee Greene
Integrity Laser Inc.

Helpfull information here.
Do your homework when buying used lasers.
Ebay isn't the place to shop.
Heres a bit of info. Do your research and connect the dots.
[A part of this comment has been removed for violating our terms. See comment immediately below. Medical Spa MD]
If you ask they will even admit to being part of that business, but of course they have no idea what was going on with all the bad laser deals, and bad deals that never went through after customers paid and were left empty handed. They will tell you they sell lasers, but they had nothing to do with all the junk they resold and laser they sold they never had and failed to deliver on.
DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!! It's your hard earned money.
I agree with Integrity Laser.
Ive said it before, i can run around the country throwing lamps and optics in a laser I have no training on, or experience, for that matter, and it will get by. It's always funny when self trained service guys who will fix just about anything, if there's a dime to be made, come out and speak as though they know what they're talking about because a certain device is simpler to service and make money off of for them. I've spent years in spas and doctors offices that utilize this equipment and spend alot of time asking the right questions in order to learn what's happening in the field. It also allows you to learn what lasers or systems may be worth training on because it's a good unit and will be around for a while. Many systems, if your smart and talk to those in the market, are destine to drop out of the market and fast, usually because they don't work well. I know people who have diode units and IPL, and the one thing that remains constant is almost all have a laser as well. All I ever hear is customers of mine telling me customers of theirs will wait for the laser to be available to be treated, and ask for it, not those other systems. That's all the proof I need. If the customer asks for the laser after being treated by both, what more do you need to say. The other units usually are purchased to back up the laser so the customer doesn't have to turn their clients away if the laser needs service, which can happen alot if your not carefull with who you employ to do your work or if you end up in a region of the country where the manufacturer has employed inexperienced, unqualified parts swappers. As far as checking calibrations and making sure the laser is working efficiently and safely, well most of the time selft taught service guys or those who just know how to replace parts, always rely on their belief that the laser was calibrated and checked properly from the previous repair service, and as you've read throughout this long list of posts, even the manufacturer employs careless under qualified technicians. I've learned years ago that you can't count on anyone doing the job right, and it's best to check and calibrate the laser thoroughly, that is if you are qualified and know how, and that doesn't mean just because you have a manual and services some other type of laser in the past, that you know how. Not only that but, most technicians who operate undercutting everyone to get a foot in the door, but ask yourself where do you think they get their parts? They may look the same, but I assure you there are a lot of junk flash lamps being sold and optics that burn up or don't work efficiently, and in some cases aren't even manufactured to the same spec as what was in the laser in the first place.
Don't kid yourself either. Many self taught guys out there have been in business a long time. That's because they could run around the country forever doing service and there will always be new lasers that come out every year, so it's never ending. You replace parts, the laser keeps working, sometimes they get away with getting paid to do this for a while before the customer has a problem a little more difficult than replacing flash lamps and for some reason they can't fix it. By then the customer has already paid out thousands. You move on to the next sucker. They can just be a part swapper for quite a while sometimes, and meanwhile the customers lasers power supply is on the verge of failure, and the laser pump chamber is close to failure as well because the lasers been running inefficiently and calibrated poorly. So all that money you thought you saved hiring that technician you thought knew what he was doing, now cost you alot more than you saved. When the laser has more serious problems that the technician is struggling to get parts or repair, well then they just tell the customer the lasers old and they should buy a new one, or that they aren't taking care of the laser, so it failed, and on and on.
I know of alot of laser owners who had good lasers, but bad technicians, and were convinced that thier laser was junk, many went out of business paying for bad repair service or went out and bought another laser. If they hire the same technician after the service contract with the manufacturer expires, many times their problems start all over, all the while they think that all lasers manufactured are junk.
Independent Laser

[The following is from an email that was sent to me disputing the above comment.]
"On the above webpage, the posting is at the bottom of the page, dated "02.19". As I indicated yesterday, the publication is defamatory for two reasons. First, the posting directly implies that Barbara Broll (whose eBay username is "barbbroll") is the successor to Med1Online. The posting further complains of the products and service of Med1Online, thus equating Mrs. Broll's products and service with that of Med1Online. The statement is not true. Mrs. Broll is not the successor to Med1Online and was not involved, in any sense, with that company's sale of laser-based medical products.
Second, the posting is defamatory because it expresses a very negative opinion of Mrs. Broll, and Med1Online, without providing any supporting information or references that would enable a reader to determine the veracity of the facts underlying the opinion.
Rather than resort to litigation to address this issue, we have attempted to contact "Leon" at the phone number provided in the posting. Leon advised that he will "get back to us," but he has failed to do so. Accordingly, we have contacted you, as the owner and operator of the website, to respectfully request that the posting be removed.
We do not seek to restrict the free speech rights of any of your website's users, nor do we seek to restrict the operation of your website. We simply ask that the defamatory material respecting Mrs. Broll be promptly removed. The defamatory material is contained in the second and third full paragraphs of the posting, which begin with the phrase "on ebay" and end with the phrase "failed to deliver on."
Thank you for your assistance. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Warm regards,
Joseph T. Bernstein
G.W. Merrick & Associates, LLC
Suite 912, 5445 DTC Parkway
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
(303) 831-9400
(303) 771-5803 fax"

Response to the above attempt to intimidate and block the facts.
Right off the web.
Barbara Broll's Job History
Director of Multidisciplinary Sales at Med1online, Llc
2005 to present
New & used capital medical equipment sales team manager specializing in aesthetic and surgical lasers, high-end imaging including ultrasound, cardiac cath labs, c-arms, MRI and CT.Responsible for sales operations, hiring, training, compliance and strategy. Developed outside and inside sales reps, call center telemarketers, internet and traditional marketing techniques, seminars, webinars and webcam demos.
Employed by Dornier previous to this. Information available as well.
Enough said!!!!

L. "Libel" was fired from Cynosure for, among other things, stealing from the company. When we terminated him he was :
Driving our company van with a "black market" laser in the back.
Had over 15K of miles on it and had only taken possesion of it for 3 months.
Furthermore, he refused to provide telephone tech supoort, which was part of the job.
He admitted (bragged?) to other Cynosure FSE's of his "outside" business, traveling to his customers on the Cynosure clock and performing his side business.
We terminated him and have great results in his territory since. He was not missed, and in fact, the complaints have since stopped from that region.
If he is so successful, why does he have time to write 300 word diatribes about his former employer?
Think about that people. He bashes everyone/anyone......classic example of "sour grapes"!!

Mike P did not write the above statement in regards to Mr. Leibl. The person involved with Mr. Leibl must refrain from using any executive's name at Cynosure or any current Cynosure employee's name in this forum to publicly air their differences.
Cynosure may take legal action and have all IP addresses pulled for sourcing of information, if these action do not stopped immediately.
Cynosure has no involvement with this web site and the accusation by Leon Leibl,
Paul Edmondson, Dee Greene and the fictitious employee by the name of Bob West.

I t sounds as if you have nothing to say in this matter considering the fact that you have left an anonymous post and the others have left their names. Please do not try to come on her with your legal crap and try to intimidate people. This threat has been used before and did not work. If I am not mistaken these posts are over a year old and this is called free speech.

Dear LH,
It's called defamation of character, not free speech when placed in this context. Establishing a statement exposing a person to hatred, ridicule, contempt, or causing injury to you in your occupation.
It isn't enough that the untrue statement was said and published, it must also have been conveyed or be published to others and understood to be about you. Figures seeking to prove defamation of character must also show that the false statement was made with actual malice
Do you care to tell us your name? Do you care to share with us your infinite brilliance of wisdom on this subject?

um Legal?
These musings were posted way over 90 days ago.
Since you are so intent on educating us all on the finer points of the law, are you (mis) representing yourself to be the legal counsel of Cynosure?
Because if so, you're doing a pretty crap job. You are just catching up to these postings now?
How do you know who MikeP is? And how do you know that the "real" MikeP DIDN'T write these postings? Do you know who every MikeP who posts everywhere on the internet is?
Just for shits and giggles I looked up Cynosure's executives (publicaly traded-everything's on the web) and there is no MikeP in a high level management position.
Furthermore, MikeP is attacking Leon Leibl and you are referring to him, or the person posing as him as "the person involved with Mr. Leibl "
Why would Leon Leibl pose as MikeP to attack himself? Are you representing Leon Leibl?
Are you taking crazy pills?
The kind of crazy pills that makes one look for attention by placing random meaningless attacks months and months after a supposed slight has been made?
By the way, these thoughts are MY OPINION, which I am legally entitled to.

Medical Spa MD post on this Cynosure discussion.
I couldn't agree more. What a Dufus. IF you're a Cynosure lawyer they should immediately fire your butt.

If you look my name is posted all over this site. It is Lornell E. Hansen II, M.D. So who are you (not that anyone actually cares)?
OK now you have to PROVE that anything said in the post is untrue. So please just go away. You have no business on this site.

These forums are getting kind of difficult to read. I think the true nature is to express pearls of wisdom from working with varying lasers, almost like a round table, what works, what doesn;t work and if clinical effect is not seen then maybe someone out there can suggest what they do in regards achieving success.
So many forums though disintegrate to emotional rantings.....I don't know how we can revert it back to being forums for learning.

One Opinion,
I agree with you. That is why I have been encouraging Jeff to have a closed area for members that are involved with the site and want to have good round table discussions. I probably should not have wasted my time with "legal" but I was irritated that he/she would come on this site and make threats to individuals.
I really hope Jeff gets it figured out so we can get back to open discussions about technology and the best way to use it.

LH, One Opinion,
You can believe I'm trying to get to the best solution here and have a number of projects in the works to get it done. More on that should be coming in the next few weeks so I'll ask for some patience there.
(I've also posted about this Cynosure thread and Legal.)

I don't see how anything Leon has said would be libel or defamation of character. He is a professional giving his professional opinion based on his experience, education, and compared to his own way of doing things. It is not only the right of every independent service provider to formulate judgments based on our findings- it is our duty.
I would only add that compliance with 21 CFR 1040.10-11 is a scarcity in our field. You must ensure that lasers you purchase are from manufacturer's who are compliant, and that service is also compliant. Independent service providers get away with a lot less than manufacturer's do.
As far as servicing Cynosure lasers- Leon, there are not only two. We are compliant with 21 CFR 1040.10-11 in all lasers we service as well.

What a laugh.."legal"?
Would ANY real legal counsel come on a forum and spew this type of disinformation?
I suppose Cynosure thinks it's above the Constitution and free speech? Is this why they threatened their field staff with termination if they caught them speaking to outside/independent engineers?
BTW you complain of "defamation of character" of someone named "Mike P", who could be ANYONE, then you go on and say "Mike P" did not say these things! Nice job "outting" yourself!
(Now we know exactly who you are!)
Yet you call out the full names of other individuals whom you suspect of the this?
Sounds like you don't have enough to do at work

Heres a few things I need to add, a lawyer is not going to make threats or warn anyone of legal action on some dumb website unless they don't have a leg to stand on as far as any legit legal claims, you would get a letter in the mail to cease and desist.
For someone who claims to be "legal" for Cynosure, you would think you would know how to spell the name of the person your threatening legal action, or at least read the name I have posted a million times as a reference, sense I know how to spell my own name.
I don't believe for one minute that the Mike P. isn't affiliated with Cynosure or is someone who works for Cynosure because he is right about some of the things he states, that I didn't want to be a phone secretary or tech support as they call it on a stone aged computer program that was like running a DOS based program some of us used in the 80's on a radio shack computer, I was hired to be a service technician and repair lasers. Cynosure dismantled the once decent phone support call center to opt for a cheaper way of doing business, which was take the guys who were already putting in over 40 hours in a 3 or 4 day time period and then saying "OK you've been gone all week, now we want you to sit at your laptop for 8 hours and take phone calls on your off day, instead of giving your guys the plan for other service trips". So yeah I didn't want that, all the 10 give-or-take hour trips a day flying was enough to give to the company. This was all done after the company went public on the market, and if you ask, most will tell you that Cynosure tech support still stinks.
Mike P. is someone who works for the company, and last I knew he was head of technical support and the technicians, I wouldn't say he's a higher up in the company, but he is someone in the company that would have information. Funny thing is Mike Palumbo as his full correctly spend name is, couldn't spell too well in any of his emails to employees that I remember, so misspelling words and names would be something I can say he would do while posting on a website.
This is what I believe.
Anything stated by Mike P. is coming from Mike Palumbo himself in hopes that if he can plant a seed of doubt in the minds of those looking for service not from Cynsosure, might see this and reconsider hiring me because of that tiny bit of doubt. Think about it, if you don't know me, it would possibly put doubt in your minds, and that's all they need. I also believe that if you read the previous statements a few reads back on this thread that I made concerning the false claims that Mike P. is making could hold them liable for defamation of character, he is now covering his butt by saying the same thing but following it up with a very poor attempt at creating a so called "legal" to then say that MIke P. isn't associated with Cynosure and all this nonsense, and then continues to misspell my name. No lawyer is coming on here and misspelling names. Read the previous post by Barb Brolls lawyer, that was more professional and he did call me. He fist verbally threatened me to have my posts removed, and then when realizing I wasn't going to and they had no legal recourse they sent a letter to the head of this website and put fear in them. Only problem with them was they shouldn't have either lied or believed that Barb had absolutely no affiliation with Med1online sales, and all the other crap, because thank god for the internet, it's all there for people to see. I don't lie!!!
A second note is that Med1online is constantly renaming themselves, but not reinventing themselves and how they do business, it's the same old Med1 with a new name. Anyone considering a laser from any resale company out of Colorado should do your research before buying, and pretty much anyone for that matter.
Beware of those who think it's a negative thing to offer 100% full support and parts for a handful of lasers and then brag about all the dozens of lasers they are certified to work on. I know many technicians certified by the manufacturer to work on cars, lasers, computers, etc, doesn't make them good, in fact in many cases the more brands and products usually means more mistakes, not 100% support, or using used parts from old lasers to get by.
Cynosure,and others make their own lasers and train their own technicians, and if you read this thread and ask people in the field, many would say that quite a few of them flat out suck as technicians. So if you want, I'll work on any laser you have, but if you want to be truly satisfied I'd prefer to specialize in a handful of lasers that I carry all parts in stock and am fully qualified and more importantly expertly experienced to service.
I have no problem with people who are concerned with getting scammed, or with investing their hard earned dollar in service and buying used lasers and parts, questioning who I am or my reputation as a laser technician, I welcome it. I spend my hard earned money on hiring people to service my car or other work I have done, and I realize that no one wants to be taken advantage of. My business and personal life go hand and hand. I'm always working no matter when or where I am, even on vacation. I don't just punch out and walk away from the job when I'm done with my 8 hour a day 5 day a week job. My customers go home thinking about work and money and how their private business is doing, and I am no different. "Sour grapes" because I feel the need to warn people of the crooked practices that continue to operate for the sole purpose of taking hard earned money from people like me, has nothing to do with "sour grape". Sour Grapes type people don't survive very long as small business owners just by saying negative things about others and crying about past employers 3 years after the fact.
This website and others are the only way people like myself can tell people the truth about their experiences good and bad. Unfortunately in most cases people speak the loudest and the most about the bad, and not so much the good. You can't sue someone for the truth.
All these words mean nothing. I am more than happy to back up my work and reputation. Anyone who values their hard work and money are more than welcome to inquire about my business and ask my customers, not me, what their experience has been. Have a pen and paper ready and I will provide you with as many business names as you desire to call until satisfied, I don't cherry pick a couple people I made sure were happy and use them to sell junk to all the rest for a quick buck.
Leon Liebl
Independent Laser

If it truly is who we think it is, it wouldn't surprise anyone familiar with Cynosure.
This guy has had only had 1 real job (Cynosure) and is basically unemployable. That's why he kisses corporate patuttie 24/7 of whom ever is the current Customer Service Manager.
This guy had dreams of being the next Gene Simmons of Kiss and, sadly (for every Cynosure laser owner) he ended up in customer service..!!

Mike P (who we all know is Mike Palumbo) is a knucklehead loser who has hung around Cynosure for over 10 years doing everything, including cleaning Mike Davin's personal restroom!
This no-talent, bespeckaled amature musician is your typical power hungry, self flagulating tosser who knows he can't hold down a job other than at Cynosure.
He is currently "in charge" of Asia/Pac rim, which means Cynosure will undoubtably lose money there after he makes a mess of things which is his MO.!

Thanks for posting all useful informations for rooky like myself. I was considering purchase a palomar but now I leaned toward candela or apogee elite. Do you have any instock? I know I am lake in the game; therefore, i do not want to spend so much since the price of treatments has been slashed by groupon and living social . I need to treat skin type 1-6.
Thanks to all who have come to this website to post honest opinions and experiences.

I'm very grateful to Leon!! My laser was experiencing technical difficulties and I addressed Cynosure who were trying to fix the problem for 2 months during which time I lost so much business! Their solution was to buy a new laser. I fixed the laser in the end at a great cost and was left without any technical support from Cynosure. My laser crashed again recently and I thought that's it for my business until I found Leon on this forum. After contacting Leon and explaining my problem, within minutes he solved the problem and basically fixed my laser and helped my business from falling down under!!

I was hired by cynosure as a field engineer with an engineering degree and over 7 years' experience with laser installation, repair, and engineering support (engineering, integration and manufacturing) experience. The wages were rock bottom low and recovering from unemployment, I took it out of necessity. The management treated us like we were expendable, verbally and otherwise. The training was mediocre at best, and I was reprimanded for taking 'too much time in service calls, for being slow' simply because I took my time and found the multiple time bombs left behind by other service people, as cyno pressured us to just close the call (what does one do when one arrives on site and the laser has multiple problems instead of one, and will not work correctly until all are repaired?). A moral dilemma for someone with integrity, something cyno management, upper and lower, know nothing about. Eventually I was fired by these scumbags and was not even given 2 measly weeks' severance pay. I did some work on these lasers, mainly the Elite and some of the Sona lasers (sad story, an outfit that was treated like crap) but moved on to something else. Dee Greene took over one of my accounts and he has done an excellent job for them (better than cyno could under any circumstance); both Leon and Dee are very reliable, and have integrity, something lacking in cyno management. With cyno, one can be certain after the sale "you are virtually on your own" even if you pay for the service "contract". For my $, I would buy Fotona or even Candela lasers, avoid cyno unless you get a great deal on a used machine and do not use factory service.

Hi to all of you That are unhappy with Mediscam I saw that they now have a MDL from address below I am sending you this so you all know what is happening I purchased my machines from Medicam and never got a invoice sent to me other then by email with email you dont get to see the back of the invoice I called them and emailed them for a copy of the back of the invoice they refuse to send it to me If anyone out there who has that please forward it to me and for you unhappy customers please contact my Lawyer to get this going I already have
wait to hear from you If you do not have my Lawyers name and Address please contact me at
In order to obtain a Class III Medical Device Licence (MDL), a manufacturer must submit a Class III MDL application, along with a summary of the safety and effectiveness data. The submission gets reviewed and if the device in question (IPL device) meets all of the regulatory requirements, a licence is issued allowing the manufacturer to sell the device in Canada.
Medicam Inc. have 4 separate licenses for IPL devices (Licence No. 86651, 86652, 86653 and 86654). Medicam Inc. is considered the legal manufacturer and they are located in Montreal, Quebec. However, this does not mean that the devices are necessarily fabricated in Montreal.
If you wish to file a trade complaint, please contact the Medical Devices Compliance Unit at 613 954-6666.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Colin Foster-Hunt
Regulatory Information Officer
Regulatory & Scientific Information Section
Device Licensing Services Division
Medical Devices Bureau
Health Canada
Phone: 613-952-9154
Mission Oaks Laser & Spa to: device_licensing 2011-07-22 12:41 PM
From: "Mission Oaks Laser & Spa" <>
To: <>
What do you have to do to get a MDL for laser IPL machines
Medicam has been giving a MDL certificate for machines that are made in China
Medicam claims that they are manufactured in Montreal
They are all imported from another country we are having trouble with Medicam and there machines .
Please advise
Jake Fehr
Mission Oaks Laser & Spa LTD

Question to Leon,
I'm debating between Cynosure Elite an Candela Gentamax. After reading all those comments, I'm not sure about elite anymore. Can ypu please tell me what do you think about Candela. Thank you in advance

Any laser questions please call me..
Thank you
Independent laser

After reading a few of these posts, it seems a common concern with Cynosure Alex/Nd: YAG long pulse lasers is cost of ownership.
Look into either the LPX or Duo system made by Light Age. The alex is hands down a better system. Almost two times as powerful with average power at 100 W at the handpiece (compared to 55 W) and cost of ownership is a lot less. (After 6 million pulses over a few machines, my cost of ownership is less than one cent a shot and with no consumables.)
Duo system offers Alex / Nd: YAG combo. The YAG side is currently a bit weak, but they're increasing its power in 2012. Even while it's not able to produce the fluence of a Cynosure machine, it will put out 26-29 J/cm^2 with a 15 mm standoff at greater than 2 Hz...and the Elite can't do that. And that's certainly all you need to do hair removal on some IVs, Vs and type VI.
Needless to say, their systems offer a nice flat top beam profile, variable pulse duration, and large spot sizes (up to 18 mm). Pigment treatment mode allows you to place laser at spot sizes as small as 1.5 mm with a pulse rate as high as 10 Hz.
I own several of their systems and have been very satisfied.
The best example, however, was Cynosure's main physician testimonial on their web site for their Elite system. Not sure if the Doc is still up there, but he bought a Light Age system to replace his Cynosure system. Go figure.

All, Leon Libel is either out of business or just hanging on by the skin of his one, solitary tooth!
Not sure why he continues to bash Cynosure and myself and my boyfriend Jim P.?
Jeolous? Envy? Not sure sure but once I cought him going through my trash looking for...!!.....disgusting!

Whoever this "JayPalumbo" ass is, he, she, it, couldn't be further from reality, if they were living with Alice, in Wonderland. Thanks to all the unsatisfied customers out there, of Cynosure's and other 3rd party wannabe laser services and sales, the calls keep coming in. In fact I just did a job for a client in Dandridge TN, who was being sued by Cynosure for not paying for service and parts because the laer still wasn't working, don't believe me call me, I'lll give you their info. From day one of service by them, the laser kept blowing fibers. Well needless to say, I arrived on site to find parts in wrong, and that's not even the half of it. The laser cavity had a metal plate between it and the actual mounting bracket, and the last Cynosure technician use a piece of ALUMINUM FOIL, to wedge in the back side corner of the laser cavity, as a way to supposedly repair an alignment issue. The client took pics when I took the cover off in front of them. I spent the better part of a day, and eventing going over the machine with a fine tooth comb. I removed the bracket, and of course I removed the aluminum foil. If you don't believe me, again call, and I'll let you talk to them.
I am only going to guess that this is why this Jay Palumbo piece of garbage is back again, to discredit me, and my services. Says it's Jay's girlfriend, yet signs it "jaypalumbo", but real name is Jim P? I just hope this idiot knows that by posting that comment and having access to their IP address, opens this fool up to a lawsuit for defemation. Yeah, I drive and fly all over th US and Canada, to dig through the garbage. You don't make any sense, first you defend Cynosur, then you defend "jayPalumbo" as his girlfriend and then you hired me to do laser repair, your a damn idiot. Got to be the dumbest person in the world and contradict your own statement, and as people have read in other comments, your a fool, and no one is going to just read your lame comment and think your anything but an ass.
I could cut my business in half and still not be close to "hanging by a tooth". Actually because I'm not stupid and don't live in debt, I could probably work for a month or two and I'd be fine, or just live off the calls repairing lasers behind poor service from most everyone out there.
I am here to help all those in need of good service and you can find many satisfied customers on this thread and internet. I have a ton of satisfied customers in the spa, doctors practices, and hospitlals.
Need help, call, even if it's just to ask a question, or need a simple repair or part.
Leon L.
Independent Laser

Is a phony, just read all his past posts, he just keeps coming back to push some piece of junk he's repairing, or attempting to repair at this time, first it was a diode Alma machine, now????? Give me a break I know this guy and he's a joke with no training on most anything he attempt so repair.
I for one wouldn't be buying lasers from any company right now, especially obscure ones. Industry is in the crapper, and there is no real front runner in a down economy, therefore, if your going to buy a laser, you may be stuck with something not supported or sold for very long because of sales and the economy, which means companies go out of business or just move on to try and find the next big thing while your stuck with whatever you just bought, with little to no support.
Most of the laser technology out now is repackaged old technology, but might not have the reliability because of cost cutting. Your better to buy from a very trustworthy seller and buy something that is still relevant in the industry. I prefer Cynosure, but Candela works well too. There is also a good source for parts and repair that is competitive.
Independent Laser

I need a repairman (technician) to repair my Cynosure Apogee Elite, my office is located in Miami FL, if someone know some good tech I really appreciate if share the information.
Thanks in advance

I'm in South Florida as well and Highly recommend Leon. He's top notch, honest and gets the job done.
does anyone know a good cyanosure laser technician in Austin, Texas or near it.

Who services your elite mpx?

Whst is the best price anyone has paid for the apogee elite? I'm in the market for a new laser and want to make sure I'm not taken advantage of.

Joy, Please call me as the price isn't always the most important point to look at when buying a laser. Some companies will meet your price point, and sell you a laser that's been frankensteined together or had it's pulses reset to reflect a newer less used machine than your getting.
It's best to buy from someone like myself who has a very intense background in service of the machines as well as doing honest business built on recommendations and years of service. You can find a great deal, but when the laser breaks or you get something you don't realize is junk till it's too late, a deal isn't such a great deal anymore.

Beware Cynosure Laser users. I've been finding a troubling trend in companies advertising rebuilt or rebuilding pump chambers or laser cavities for the Apogee, Acclaim and Elite Laser systems, only to find out that they are piecing together old laser pump chambers to get something that might pass calibration for a while. Another thing I've found is that some are finding leaking pump chambers and just putting flow tubes in them and passing them as rebuilt, which is a temporary fix at best once the coating is contaminated inside the pump chamber it will eventually fail again, and soon. I've also found vendors who claim to do refurbished pump chambers only to wet some reflective powder and cover the pump chamber surface with it. I came acrross one of these out West doing a job in Utah area. My customer bought one cheap from a company out west (which is breeding grounds for laser con artists). I thought he bought it from Cynosure. When I took it appart there was powder all over the flow tubes. You could blow on the powder and it created a cloud like someone blew up a pile of flour. This was when I didn't offer completely rebuilt pump chambers myself. So far I have not tested a single competitor so called refurbished pump chamber that has actually been completely rebuilt or works to the spec of a brand new rebuilt one. My pump chambers are all completely cleaned, completely recoated with the proper reflective coating and in the proper way. Brand new flow tubes, lamps, etc. All at a much better cost than Cynosure. With a full Warranty, best in industry, better than Cynosures, if they even will honor theirs.. Not some hodge podge semi thrown together repair that other companies are doing and charging thousands for. There are companies out east that charge $8500 for a rebuilt pump chamber who I've found out don't know how or what to use to recoat the pump chambers, but yet are charching full rebuilt pricing.
As far as I know I am the only one doing fully rebuilt Cynosure laser pump chambers that are entirely rebuilt, and exceed spec of the OEM. Beware of the quick dollar frauds. You won't know it at first, but when your laser fails and you can't get your money back is when you'll wish you asked around and went with someone who gets allot of support and references from customers.
Keep in mind that some of these same people are claiming to offer rebuilt power supplies, but only give a matter of several days warranty and charge several thousand. Why do that when I offer brand new, with full year warranties, again, best in business, exceedeing oem.
Independent Laser
Leon L.

Incidentally, do you know the current status of Cynosure as their websites seem to be down?

You are definitely not the only one. It's one thing to state the quality you perform a specific service with. It's another thing to state what you have found. It's completely presumptuous to say you think you are the only one... though I don't doubt you do a great job.
And I would be very careful with claims to "exceed" the manufacturer specs on any medical device. It is one thing to exceed the tolerance stated by the manufacturer, but any improvement or decline in performance based on service constitutes adulterating a medical device. You might "meet" the manufacturer specs, and "exceed" their tolerance, but you can't legally (or rationally, for that matter) exceed their specs.
I got the CYNOSURE ELITE and i am very happy with it, first i wanted to buy another laser unit from DAN HERBERT but he advised me to buy this machine. He gave me the best service. It was a pleasure to work with him. I got from him an excellent machine. He gave me a guarantee and he kept his word. He sent me a technician on his own expense when I needed it. I am very happy with this Elite unit.

If anyone service the cynosure mpx elite, please contact me. I am located in the Austin, Texas area. thanks.

I have a syneron elaser hair removal machine that reads "error system setup needed".
is this something that can easily be repaired? I live in Michigan, do you know of any repair service techs locally?

Bob West
I can make claims all I want, but by the fact that many others say the same offers some validity. You're statment is your own, and the only one of it's kind. If I stole from Cynosure to run my business then why is it not stated on anything or my file as to the reason for letting me go? Because it's a lie. I signed a non compete with Cynosure, so if you have any proof of such claims then I would assume that I would have been contacted by a lawyer and there would have been legal action taken, It's been well over 2 years past, so if thats the case, why even have a noncompete if there is no concequence to breaking it. Truth is your a liar!
Funny thing is that I was employed for 2 years by Cynosure. Many technicians were let go during that 2 years, but I was not one of them, many were fired for far lesser reasons than stealing and violation of noncompete agreement. Are you telling me that I did this for 2 years and it took that long to find out, or I worked for 2 years stealing tons of parts and flyinig all over the country doing service, when?, during the week I was doing the same for the company? or the weekend? I have a family, so I highly doubt that I was gone every weekend. As anyone will also tell you and you know, I operated out of Chicago, aside from a dozen accounts within driving distance, I had to fly everywhere, most of the time half way accross the country. So all this by itself would be near impossible to do under the circumstances. If I was able to steal all Cynosure's customers to be able to start my own business, in under 2 years, I must not be such a lousy technician then? I mean I worked 5 days a week sometimes 12 plus hours a day, and had no family and social life, so I spent every weekend flying around the country stealing customers and using stolen parts which it took 2 years for Cynosure to discover. Are you saying that you don't take inventory at least quarterly? Wouldn't all these stolen parts show up? Hmmm, if it took that long, either your saying Cynosure and it's employees and business model is severely messed up or incompetent? Or I was able to alude being caught stealing parts when Cynosure took inventory at least 4 times a year, which you have to do for tax purposes, federal law.
So who's telling the truth Bob? Your nothing but a corporate puppet, mouth piece. Instead of worrying about me you should be worrying about Cynosure and continuing that awesome customer care and service you provide.
Funny, when I worked there I never once heard your name in the list of managers or bosses in charge of anything, much less the service department. I and every other employee met everyone in the company in charge of something all the way up to Palastra and Mike Davin, not once did I ever meet you. I understand your role now is to pucker up and kiss that corporate ass and if you think your fooling anyone here of that being your obligation and to defend the company at any cost, your lying to yourself. If your attempting to handle your customer service and customer complaints here instead of within your company, you should be fired.
You can't shut everyone up and cover up the truth by piling on lies and discrediting people. Everyone sees through that.
Besides what's the worry, Cynosure doesn't have any problems and by some of their employees own words claim that everything is top notch and customer care couldn't be better. An A-1 company with an excellent reputation. Nothing to worry about by those standards of business. What could I offer to anyone under these circumstances.